You've seen the TV series, now buy the Doctor Who action
figures, produced under licence from the BBC by Character
Options. This collection reproduces some of the most memorable
characters from the new television series, as well as introducing
the 10th Doctor...
Cassandra action figure from Character Options is certainly
the most unusual release to date. It depicts Lady Cassandra
from the second episode of the new series The End of the
World, supposedly the last 'human' in existence, although
having gone overboard with the nips and tucks, she now resembles
a piece of flat skin stretched onto a frame with just the
eyes and mouth remaining as a reminder that she was once human.
released as a 'poseable action figure', there is nothing particularly
poseable about this flat piece of skin on a frame, though
it does move along nicely on wheels if that counts. However,
articulation was never really going to be Cassandra's selling
point, it's the weird and slightly disturbing look of the
character that ranks high in importance here, and I'm pleased
to say that this figure looks fabulous.
feature in the figure is beautifully detailed, from the subtle
veins in Cassandra's skin to the brain in a jar at the bottom
of the frame. It's certainly going to one of the strangest
things you put on your mantelpiece this year.
if that wasn't enough, you also get three of The End of
the World's robot spiders included in the pack. They're
pretty small and not tremendously exciting, but they do add
even more quirkiness to this brilliantly odd set.
in all, yet another quality package from Character Options
which bodes well for the slew of new Doctor Who releases
they have planned for 2006.


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Streets Online charge a flat £1 fee regardless
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All prices correct at time of going to press.