You've seen the TV series, now buy the Doctor Who action
figures, produced under licence from the BBC by Character
Options. This collection reproduces some of the most memorable
characters from the new television series, as well as introducing
the 10th Doctor...
Who fans are really getting spoiled now with the latest
batch of action figure releases from Character Options.
frankly abysmal Dapol figures from the late 80's and 90's
are now thankfully just a distant memory (K-9 in green? Tom
Baker without a scarf? A choice of two (??!!) Bonnie Langfords
in different coloured tops? No, that must all have been a
dream, surely?) as we are treated to the latest new release,
the tenth Doctor himself.
you can choose to buy a version of David Tennant's Doctor
with a long flowing brown trenchcoat, the figure under review
here simply wears the trademark pinstripe suit, and very dapper
it looks too.
we have come to expect from Character Options, the detail
on this figure is incredible, and instantly recognisable as
the tenth Doctor. It also has several points of articulation
- in fact, his legs are much more flexible than I first imagined,
the tenth Doctor could probably ride two horses at once.
supposedly marketed at children, make no mistake, it's the
grown-ups that are snapping up these terrific figures left,
right and centre and they are already proving pretty difficult
to track down in the shops as the shelves just can't be stacked
quickly enough.
If you see one - buy it.


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(Please note all prices exclude P&P - although
Streets Online charge a flat £1 fee regardless
of the number of items ordered). Click on the
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All prices correct at time of going to press.