This title presents fifteen episodes of the classic radio
comedy sketch series featuring John Cleese, Tim Brooke-Taylor,
Graeme Garden, David Hatch, Jo Kendall and Bill Oddie. Originally
released on cassette as four separate volumes, this box set
collects all four volumes in a CD box set. Include in this
collection is the first episode and the special 25th anniversary
double episode from 1989. The irreverent radio comedy series,
which ran between 1964 and 1973, is a mix of quickfire sketches,
bad puns, humorous songs and TV and cinema parodies...
One in this four volume collection opens with the show's
very first episode - originally broadcast on 03 April 1964.
And, the quality of the writing, and the performances, is
strong from the start. Highlights include Fritz and his performing
hamsters and the bank manager who tries to get his customers
to invest as much money as possible.
next episode is from the third series (episode 9) and was
first broadcast on 9 May 1966. Highlights include the Harmony
Hearts Marriage Guidance Burea sketch and the history of Rome.
two of Volume One contains episodes from the show's
sixth series (episodes 7 and 9). Highlights include audio
road signs; coach trip tour of European capitals; the Julie
Andrews song; Operation Chocolate - memories of a World War
II campaign; Louis Armstrong sketch; and the Shakespeare sketch.
Two contains four episodes from the show's eighth series
(episodes 2, 3, 6 and 8). Highlights on both discs include
the Fairy Puff man sketch; 2-for-1 swap Rad washing powder
ad; Opportunity Knocks; and the GPO sketch. Highlights
on disc two include the Rolf Harris dirty song book; This
is Your Life sketch; the Gibbon song; Cliff-hanger ending
sketch; Tom Jones song censorship; and Eurovision Song entry.
Three includes a further two episodes from the show's
eighth series (episode 10 and 12) on disc one and two episodes
from the ninth series (1 and 2) on disc two. Disc one highlights
include the Radio Prune Awards; the Ee bah gum song; and bank
holiday special. Notable skits from disc two include Lawrence
of Arabia on ice; voice donation sketch; Ask the Family
sketch; Prune forum; and the Jack the Ripper sketch.
Four contains two episodes from the ninth series (5 and
8) both of which were originally broadcast in December 1973;
and the 25th Anniversary Special which originally aired
on Christmas Day 1989. Highlights on disc one include Clean
it up Yourself quiz; Casablanca sketch and The
Colditz Story. Sadly, the 25th Anniversary Special
is a bit of a let down, with only John Cleese's funny walk
sketch raising a smile.
are some racist gags in the ninth series episodes on this
volume - which would never be allowed to be broadcast today.
While not overly offensive, they do make for slightly uncomfortable
of the Goon Show may tut to themselves as there are
a few gags and voices that seem to have been "borrowed".
And Monty Python fans will also recognise the origins
of some of the Python team's humour. The Goodies fans
will also witness the birth of the gang's obsession with gibbons.
On the whole, this is an enjoyable collection. Hopefully the
BBC will now seriously consider releasing all episodes in
chronological order.

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