The Braxiatel Collection: once it was a home, a haven, one
of the 800 Wonders of the Universe. Not any more. Draconia
and the Mim are at war. Hundreds of planets, space stations
and habitats are caught in the crossfire, including the Collection.
Its future hangs in the balance as Bernice tries to fathom
the motives of the new Draconian ambassador. Meanwhile, Director
Bev Tarrant must use every trick she knows if the planetoid
KS-159 is to survive. She's been a smuggler, a killer and
a thief, but that's all behind her now... isn't it? Be sure
your sins will find you out - especially when you accept the
Judas Gift...
been a lot of talk in this series lately about the devastating
space war between the Draconians and the Mim, but precious
few incidents to actually substantiate it. Yes, I know, this
is audio drama, so it's all talk anyway (plus sound effects
and music) but you know what I mean. Even the previous episode,
Tub Full of Cats, in which our heroes had to
run a Mim blockade, was more concerned with a spaced-out trip
through a bizarre dimension than it was with any actual space
battles or political intrigue.
The Judas Gift redresses the balance significantly,
offering intrigue and plot twists a-plenty - as you might
expect with a new Draconian ambassador, Kothar (Michael Fenner),
on the scene. I was about to criticise Fenner for the lack
of traditional Draconian sibilance in his voice, but that
turns out to be plot point too. Without wanting to give too
much away, things may never be the same while Kothar is around.
Writer Nick Wallace also picks up various plotlines that were
set in motion during the short-story anthology Collected
Works, which he himself edited. These include
Bev Tarrant's (Louise Faulkner) year in charge of the Collection,
the dimensional instabilities that resulted from Braxiatel
(Miles Richardson) merging his time ship with the planetoid,
and how Bev feels now that Brax is back - supposedly only
temporarily, just long enough to sort out the spatio-temporal
weirdness and then sod off again. I did say "supposedly"...
All in all, this is a nice little gift from the folks at the
Big Finish Collection.

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