In Conversation with Ian Fairbairn is an audio interview
from Fantom Films. For most viewers, of a certain age, myself
included, he is best remembered for his parts in the brilliant
Timeslip and a number of appearances in Doctor Who.
Ian comes over as a very open and avuncular person who unfortunately
has always been a television bridesmaid and rarely the bride.
He recounts the highlights of his thirty year career with
good humour and an insightful amount of self deprivation,
which makes him all the more human and interesting to listen
If you're over forty Ian is a character actor with whom you
will have grown up with - the type of actor who you instantly
recognised, even if you couldn't quite place the name. As
well as the aforementioned shows Ian also popped up in, amongst
others, Adam Adamant, Van Der Valk, The Lotus
Eaters (I remember the show - made me cry) and The
Onedin Line.
Of course, with such a long career much of what genre fans
will want discussed is skimped over, but that does little
to detract from listening to Ian recounting his past.
disc runs for around an hour, audio is nice and clear and
Ian has a pleasant voice to listen to.
