Clare Barker has entered a caring profession so that she
can sort out other peoples problems rather than deal with
her own. A control freak, Clare likes nothing better than
interfering in other people's lives on both a professional
and personal basis. Secretly regarding herself as a cross
between Mother Theresa and Wonder Woman, Clare tends towards
self-importance and considers most other professions as trivial.
She is in her early thirties, white, middle class and heterosexual,
all of which are occasional causes of discomfort to her. We
join Clare in her continued struggle to control both her professional
and private life...
in the Community is a Radio 4 comedy series that is based
on the long running cartoon strip in the Guardian's
Society section. This radio series won a Sony Bronze award
in the comedy section in 2005. Clare (Sally Phillips) is a
social worker enduring the endless trials of bombed out estates
and Byzantine bureaucracy (in a job that would be a lot easier
but for the tiresome necessity of having to deal with members
of the public). This
release contains all six episodes from the show's second series.
series opens with Past Caring, which sees Clare bump
into someone that she vaguely remembers, but can't quite place.
However this woman, who is stunningly beautiful and obviously
very successful in her career, certainly remembers Clare with
affection. Disturbed by this mystery woman, Clare confides
in Brian that she has no idea who she is, even though she
knows all about her and Brian. But when they meet again how
long can Clare keep up the pretence that she knows her before
she makes a fool of herself?
Brian persuades Clare to take a holiday, but Clare can't relax.
Will the office fall apart without her - or worse, will the
office flourish without her? Brian has made the decision to
propose to Clare while away, but finding the right minute
is not as easy as he thought - with Clare constantly making
excuses to call the office.
the Press: Clare is delighted to accept an invitation
to be interviewed for Radio 4's Woman's Hour. Her colleagues
are less than delighted that Clare alone will represent social
workers. Meanwhile, Brian is having his own problems dealing
with a disgruntled drama student.
Come Home: Brian walks out on Clare and Megan eagerly
offers her services as a relationship expert. Meanwhile the
depressed Ray visits an medium in an attempt to get in contact
with his dead mother.
Streets: Clare and the team volunteer for the street count,
but helping the homeless becomes a competition between Clare
and Irene. Brian organises Simon's stag night - but it looks
like it's going to be a rather dull affair.
Choice: Megan's baby is due and, when Megan reveals she
wants to have the baby at home, Clare agrees that she can
use her and Brian's house to give have the baby in. Meanwhile
Helen and Simon's wedding is imminent, and it appears that
Helen is about to get back together with an ex-boyfriend.
Two of Clare in the Community builds well on the
characters and situations that were introduced in Series
One. While this is a great series, the only
slight complaint I had was that a few of the supporting cast
were not as impressive as others. While some play their roles
quite subtly, other deliver their lines like they are acting
in a pantomime.
on the whole, this CD collection is well worth the money and
will raise quite a few chuckles from even the most humourless
of listeners.

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