The years of the Sundering have passed and the great voyage
has ended in betrayal. The Vulcan's who had endured so much
to reach a new home have been sundered once again. On the
planet of Romulus social cohesion has disintegrated into political
assassination and strife, whilst on its twin planet Remus,
the abandoned Vulcan's strive for an existence in an inhospitable
world and against their fellow shipmates who have now become
their masters...
Star Trek, Vulcan's Souls Book III: Epiphany, is the final
book in the Vulcan's Soul trilogy, written by Josepha
Sherman and Susan Shwartz, whose events cover the period between
the original sundering of the Vulcan race, to the establishment
of the Romulan Star Empire.
At the beginning of the novel there are a number of loose
ends to tie up. The book is set in two time periods. Firstly,
that of the foundation of Romulus and Remus and events in
the twenty-third century, a year after the Dominion Wars,
where a new race, the Watraii, seem intent on destroying Romulus
society - for reasons which any astute reader should have
worked out by book three.
So what if the plot is heading exactly where you thought it
would? The devil is in the detail and Sherman and Shwartz
have rightly spent the majority of the book tying up the historical
loose end. So, we see how the Remans, who turn up in Star
Trek: Nemesis got to be the way they are; who and what
are the Watraii; and what happened to the original Vulcan
survivors which where condemned to live on Remus.
of the things which I really liked about the book was that
the narrative was shown from differing perspectives. Rather
than tell the story from one point of view the authors have
opted to give voice to three of the main characters. So, we
are able to examine the ideas of survival from three distinct
viewpoints. Karatek, works to maintain his people's survival
in the harsh conditions, whilst Solor realises that survival
is not enough if people do not have meaning and lastly Sarissa,
whose synthesis of both ideas leads to a decision which changes
Romulan and Vulcan history.
Overall Epiphany represents a satisfying, if not mind
blowing ending to the trilogy.

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