Star Wars
Empire - Volume 7
The Wrong Side of the War

Authors: Welles Hartley and John Jackson Miller
Artists: Davide Fabbri and Brian Ching
Titan Books
RRP: £12.99, US $17.95
ISBN-13: 978 1 8457 6457 9
ISBN-10: 1 84576 457 9
Available 27 April 2007

Fresh from the killing fields of Jabim, where the Empire has wiped out the populace of that world, Imperial lieutenant Janek Sunber is sent to the quiet prison base on Kalist VI. But, unbeknownst to the Empire, the Rebels have designs on the Kalist base both for its fuel supplies, and for the presence of a very important prisoner - one of their own who has already attracted the interest of Darth Vader. Sunber doesn't know it, but he's on a collision course with an old friend who is with the Rebels, and he will find himself wondering which of them is on the wrong side of the war...

The Wrong Side of the War is the seventh, and final, collection in the Empire series of Star Wars graphic novels.

This collection is set during the early days of the Rebellion - when the Empire still held the galaxy in its grip of iron. After a dangerous assault on Jabiim, the last remaining rebels and their leader Jorin Sol are captured and taken to an Imperial base on Kalist IV. As Sol is interrogated, a team of rebel intelligence officers take the initiative by infiltrating the base disguised as the crew of an Imperial fuel tanker. And one of those rebels is Luke Skywalker...

However things might not go that smoothly, as Luke is about to come face to face with an old friend from his past - one who will instantly recognise him. Can Luke save Jorin Sol, the Rebel base and his old friend?

I really enjoyed this collection. And while The Wrong Side of the War takes up the majority of the pages, this graphic novel opens with an interesting short story - Model Officer. This sees an apparently unlucky officer who fails to carry out Darth Vader's orders successfully on a number of occasions. But why is the poor man so unlucky when it comes to his missions?

I, for one, am sorry to see the end of this series. Every volume has been well above average, and certainly a series that serious Star Wars fans shouldn't miss out on. This final volume is certainly one which fans will be proud to add to their collection.

For those that are hungry for more, the good news is that the story continue in the new Rebellion series - the first volume being My Brother, My Enemy.

Pete Boomer

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