Someone has sorcery in mind for Keichii and Belldandy - all
the more surprising when the culprit is Bell's own sister.
Of course, the best intended spells can lead to other problems,
particularly when one of these is a dim-witted Keichii clone.
And when things couldn't get any more complicated, a would-be
rival for the goddess' affections arrives on the scene - driving
a brand new Ferrari...
it took was one wrong number - now struggling student Keiichi
Morisato has one more problem in his life: a goddess who has
promised to stay with him... forever! The arrival of Belldandy's
mischievous big sister Urd on the scene spells disaster as
she tries to alleviate her boredom by bringing her little
sister and Keiichi together through sorcery - with unpredictable
results! Not only that, but the magical mayhem continues when
an unusual doppelganger of our downtrodden hero is created
to help him study for his exams! Will Keiichi ever get a moments
Three in the Oh My Goddess series of original mangas
sees Keiichi still desperately attempting to spend some romantic
time with Belldandy, and Urd is, in her own way, trying to
help. Sadly though, no matter what Keiichi plans, it all goes
pear shaped. And, when Belldandy finally does kiss him, it's
only to warm his lips up - there's no romance there at all.
Poor Keiichi.
are also a couple of quick gag strips - The Adventures
of Mini-Urd and Oh My Manga Artist - which add
an additional, humorous touch, as well as another 8 colour
you've been collecting this series, then you won't be disappointed
by this latest release. More quality stuff from Kosuke Fujisjima.

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