Tenchi is your average kid, who lives with half a dozen young
women. Things seen to be going okay in his world, that is
until Mayuka, another young and attractive young woman, turns
up claiming that she is Tenchi's daughter. Behind the seemingly
bizarre turn of events is a seven hundred year old demon that
is using the girl in an effort to enact her revenge on Tenchi's
grandfather Yosho...
the Movie 2: The Daughter of Darkness (1998) is no place
to start your introduction to this show. If you have never
encountered the series before then you're going to be completely
lost as this stand alone film takes no time to introduce the
characters or the context of the story.
said, it's not as if this is a very deep show. It's played
mostly for laughs, with the usual formulaic amount of exaggerated
facial expressions, mild nudity and all the sexual subtlety
of your average Benny Hill Show episode, which are
so beloved of shows aimed at the teenage market. The characters
are likeable and the voice actors do a good job in both the
English and Japanese versions.
the show's plot gaps and lack of context are some fine moments
of animation and an overall feeling of wild exuberance, which
the show oozes from every pore. The plot works well, especially
in the character of Mayuka who remains an enigma for most
of the show - never quite revealing if she is the threat to
Tenchi which some of the others believe, or an innocent victim
of an evil demon.
is a nice selection of audio options with both stereo and
5.1 English and Japanese tracks provided. Though, to be honest,
I didn't really notice much use being made of the 5.1 format,
which is always a shame in an action orientated show. The
picture is crisp and clean. The extras are par for the course
in an anime release consisting of the theatrical trailer,
a promo and the original Japanese ending.
not a bad film, if a little too confusing to the Tenchi
novice, fans of the show will love it, whilst the rest will
just watch it with a sense of bemusement.

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