Ahoy there! There's nothing like a Jolly Roger on the Seven
Seas with the Carry On team. There's the whiff of mutiny
in the air as Juliet Mills runs away to sea disguised as a
Midshipman and ends up on a ship commanded by the wicked Captain
Fearless (Kenneth Williams). Can able seaman Poop-Decker (Bernard
Cribbins) be trusted? Walk the prank plank in this swashbuckling
yarn of high adventure and low comedy, as the Carry On
gang press-gang the sauciest jokes and indulge in plenty of
nautical anchor panky...
the good ship Venus... Captain Fearless, constantly failing
to live up to his name, is more concerned with the gout in
his leg than his crew. Albert Poop-Decker joins the crew,
only to lose his rank to impostor Sally. Chaos ensues as the
crew mutiny. Meanwhile, Albert is falling in love with the
new First Mate.
be honest Carry on Jack (1963) is a bit of a low point
for the Carry On's. Firstly only Kenneth Williams and
Charles Hawtrey appear from the established Carry On
team, and secondly it's a little darker than the rest of the
movies in the franchise - as if the writers were going for
more of a historical epic with a Carry On twist.
was amusing to hear Kenneth Williams using his Bluebottle
voice (from The Goons) when he becomes delirious. It
was also good to see a host of professional stage actors jumping
onboard to embrace the Carry On spirit - even if it
was this more serious slant that was partly responsible for
the drop in quality for this movie.
include an audio commentary with Bernard Cribbins and Carry
On historian Robert Ross; trivia notes; stills gallery;
trailer and original textless titles.
Cribbins has an interesting story about how he painted Williams's
bottom with black paint during a test on set. The result was
that Williams got angry and refused to speak to Cribbins for
a week. Cribbins is still apologetic for this, as he admits
that he hates practical jokes himself and doesn't know what
came over him.
was hoping to hear a little more on the reason why the other
regular Carry On team members were not on board deck
for this movie. It is explained, in the audio commentary,
that Kenneth Connor turned it down as he was working in the
theatre at that time, but there was no mention of what happened
to Sid James or Bill Owen.
the end of the day, this is not a good movie by any stretch
of the imagination. You can't fault the acting, but the whole
thing just doesn't flow as well as it should.

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