Hikaru is a seventeen year old student living in contemporary
Tokyo, little does she realise that she is the living embodiment
of her ancestor from the Heian period. Unfinished business
has drawn the spirits across time and space. Hikaru continues
her quest to find her missing brother, Raiko, with the help
of Urabe, a fortune teller, Sadamitu and Tsuna, a writer and
a tenant of hers in the Minamoto Heights apartment complex.
As Hikaru gets closer to an answer, both past and present
disc contains Volume Five of the series, Otogi Zoshi
- Crossing Boundaries. When you get to review a lot of
anime it takes a special combination of story and animation
to really get the old flagging interest going. Otogi Zoshi
has both in generous helpings making it into the coveted 'must
see' category.
Episode eighteen: Ueno, and strange things are starting
to happen. Hikaru dreams that she is eaten by fire only to
meet a man who also saw it - making her worry that it might
have really happened. Her brother's photos lead her to a magical
pond which appears to link the Heian period with modern Tokyo.
When she is nearly sucked into the past she is rescued by
a mysterious man in black, Mansairaku.
Episode nineteen: Shibuya - Hikaru goes ghost hunting,
after the ghost dog of Shibuya, with Tsuna who makes an embarrassing
proposition, which Hiraku instantly misunderstands. She finally
meets the white ghost dog who asks her to give back the chipped
moon, possibly the Magatama from the Heian period, if so does
that mean that the Magatama's are still active and are the
cause of all the mysterious events? Woven around the main
narrative are a lot of vignettes which help educate both the
audience and Hikaru about the background to what is happening.
If you're into detective stories, this part of the show will
help you put all the pieces together.
twenty: Azabu, and something is going on with Tsuna
as Hikaru finds that he is all dressed up in a suit and having
secret meetings. When they follow him to a meeting they overhear
discussions about a wedding. Not sure what to do they consult
twenty one: Ikebukuro, and finally we are getting into
the meat of the Tokyo story and the run up to the end. The
pieces are finally coming together. Tsuna continues his investigations
into the paranormal, which leads him to the tramps in Ikebukuro.
When he finds himself thrown back in to the Heian period,
Hiraku needs the help of Mansairaku to get him back.
The picture is up to its usual high standards as is the English
dub. Audio comes in English and Japanese stereo, 5.1 and DTS
with subtitles.
course we have my usual gripe, about the lack of extras; all
you get here are six trailers, especially as the price didn't
drop. You would have to accept that as a show comes to its
end that the extras would fade away, but Manga seems to have
decided to ignore them all together, it's not like they don't
exist. So a great show is tarnished by having the extras removed
and flogged off at the same price. Let's hope that this is
rectified in a box set.
only one more disc to go. Let's hope it's a goody.

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