The story of a typically reserved engineering student who
unwittingly acquires his very own sex goddess after mis-dialing
a number for takeout, this anime series comes from the long-running
manga of the same name. In the latest volume Keiichi
must deal not only with Belldandy's drama, but also with that
of her sisters. Skuld, Belldandy's younger sister, might possibly
be the worst of the bunch, as she's constantly hogging Belldandy
for herself. Making matters even more complicated are The
Campus Queen and her devilish pal Mara...
My Goddess is
based on the original story by Kosuke Fujishima, which was
serialised in Kodansha's monthly magazine Afternoon.
four episodes on Volume Three include:
The Demon Arrives and Wreaks Havoc: Tamiya and Otaki are
compelled to buy a strange CD while browsing in a weird shop.
There seems to be some odd writing on the CD, but the two
students can't get it to play on their CD player. Using a
flash of, for want of a better word, inspiration the two decide
to attempt to play it on their old record player. The resulting
music is a little odd, but not as odd as the fact that they
have managed to release a demon spirit that was trapped inside
the CD. The demon introduces herself as Mara, a demon, first
class, and she's ready to mess up the goddesses' plans, starting
with Keiichi.
Choosing between the Goddess and the Queen: Mara offers
Sayoko a plan to get Belldandy out of the way, so that she
can be campus queen once again. Sayoko agrees and manages
to take the demon CD from Urd. Keeping her promise, Mara casts
a spell that shifts Keiichi's heart balance so that Keiichi
becomes fixated on Sayoko, forgetting about Belldandy.
Who Does Big Sister Belong to?: The goddess server in
heaven has gone crazy. Bugs have really worked their way into
the system causing Keiichi's world to start to come undone
- he is turned into a paper thin version of himself. Apparently
it's all because of Belldandy's unstable heart. Skuld, Belldandy's
younger sister, arrives from Heaven, to try and talk Keiichi
into breaking his contract with Belldandy, so that Belldandy
can go back to Heaven and help fix the computer problems.
Skuld's bug blasting machine isn't working and the bugs continue
to mess with Keiichi's world. The race is on to repair the
machine before Keiichi, who has now transformed into a miniature
version of his former self, comes to any serious harm.
Teaching a Lesson Called Competition: Skuld's wants to
spending her entire time with Belldandy, and gets upset when
Belldandy goes to school each day with Keiichi. Skuld decides
that if she takes apart Keiichi's bike, he won't be able to
take Belldandy to school. Because she is a mechanical genius,
Skuld gets carried away and ends up upgrading the bike by
mistake. When Keiichi's sister Megumi, who is an engineering
student, pays a visit, she notices Skuld's upgrades and starts
to point out some faults with them. This angers Skuld, who
thinks she knows more about mechanical engineering than anyone.
The result being that Skuld challenges Megumi to design, build
and enter a robot into a competition to see who has the best
are a little thin on the ground. All we get are a Line
Art Gallery and a Screen Shot Gallery.
there are only four episodes on this collection, compared
to the last two volumes which have five episodes each, this
release still represents great value for money. The show has
just the right balance of humour and drama to ensure that
the viewer never gets bored.
is certainly a collection worth owning.

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