Norman Taylor is a very popular and successful professor,
but the envy of his colleagues. At the point of being awarded
promotion he discovers a number of black magic wards around
his house and office, and his wife Tansy confesses she has
been practising witchcraft to assist his professional advancement.
When he makes her destroy the magical aids she protests that
she can not be held responsible for what happens as a result.
From this point onward everything starts to go seriously wrong
in his life, beginning with his being accused of sexually
assaulting one of his students, and culminating in him believing
he is losing his mind. When Tansy tries to undo the 'bad luck'
by offering herself to save her husband, the race is on for
Norman to find her before she is lost. But he soon discovers
his real enemy is not who he thinks it is...
in 1962 in monochrome, Night of the Eagle is based
on the Fritz Leiber novel Conjure Wife.
truth, this film has tons more class than Optimum's simultaneous
release Circus
of Horror. Without the use of any special effects
(aside from perhaps the eagle made to look enlarged) it manages
to build tension whilst moving at an almost breakneck pace
for a movie of this era.
There are twists and turns aplenty, and it is directed so
that you think you see more than you actually do.
Wyngarde turns in a stirling performance as Professor Taylor,
but Janet Blair's often over-the-top portrayal of Tansy does
inspire a cringe or too.
By today's standards this film's not going to set the world
alight, but it is a minor British classic and therefore worthy
of a single viewing.

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