A dimensional war is being lost. The dimension of La'cryma
is fighting to save the earth but is loosing to the Shangri-La
dimension. Their last hope lies fifteen years in their own
past with Haruka and the recovery of the Dragon Torque...
Volume Three of Noein: To Your Other Self continues
this interesting and engaging show. The series is a rich mixture
of excellent animation and complex narrative and, as I've
said before, you really have to watch the show from the beginning;
otherwise the whole think will make little sense. The show
continues to exude a look and quality more usually found in
one of the more expensive Hayao Miyazaki movies.
Volume Three contains episodes ten to fourteen and
comes as a two disc set. Both discs contain the same episodes
with the difference being in the audio options and the extras,
which given the normal fare that we are used to are fairly
one contains a featurette called From Storyboard to Screen,
which does what it says on the box and runs for a very reasonable
eighteen minutes. For those of you that have been collecting
the whole run there is part three of the interview with the
director and voice actor - another decent feature at fourteen
minutes. Lastly there is a picture gallery. Disc two fares
less well, having only four trailers for other shows.
The other main difference between the two discs is the audio
options. Disc one comes in English and Japanese stereo and
5.1 with subtitles and disc two has stereo and DTS. Picture
quality is pin sharp but I still don't like the menus, which
are hard to read. Okay, so the moving background graphic is
rather cool for the first thirty seconds, but between that
and the ghosting on the actual titles its like suffering a
permanent migraine. However that's a minor quibble given the
number of shows per disc and the more than reasonable extras
and audio options.
Episode ten: A Stormy Night, and Haruka's friend's
turn up to see what has been going on. Initially they are
met by Yuu's mother who is a little worse for wear - her general
tipsy ramblings bring a much needed comic relief to the show.
Faced with the inevitable Haruka is forced to admit everything
to her friends. Later Atori attacks Yuu and Isami in an effort
to attract and attack Karasu. Behind the scenes the Magic
Circle Project continue to shadow the friends and follow a
mysterious agenda which you just know will turn out to explain
why everything went pants in the future. Governments and their
toys, they really never learn.
eleven: Out of Synch, and oh dear Uchida explains to
another member of the Magic Circle Project that they intend
to break the bounds of time and space. Anyone else in the
room thinks that this is a bad idea. Strangely enough the
show takes its physics very seriously and the explanation
is quite long. Yuu and Isami are having trouble with their
studies, so decide to play football. It is a bittersweet affair
as the friend's play their future selves look on knowing that
this may be the last days of happiness that they will experience.
Episode twelve: The Battle - Haruka is desperate to
find Karasu and Fukurou, knowing that the falling out that
the friends had - when they were still Yuu and Isami - is
coming to fruition, heading towards a fight, a personal battle.
What looks to be a fight to the death is stopped by the arrival
of Haruka, but she is not the only one who has a stake in
the fight, Atori also turns up.
Episode thirteen: The Wish - Haraku cradles the barely
living Karasu. The mysterious intervention which stopped the
fight and killed Fukurou has also had a profound effect on
Atori, apparently bereft of his memory, he seems also to have
lost his hatred, together with the gang they rush to replenish
Karasu's Reizu (his lift force) before it is too late. Meanwhile,
the agents of the Magic Circle Project engineer a meeting
with Haruka.
Episode fourteen: Memories, and an episode which, whilst
interesting, is a little break in the story. Haruka's introduction
to various beings from both the future and different dimensions
has taught her that reality is much more fluid than she first
thought. This is further brought into focus when she is able
to use the Dragon Torque to experience different periods in
her parent's marriage.
So there you have it, to be honest the show just gets better
and better. Getting into it is a bit of a pain as the series
starts in the middle of the action, but trust me - stay with
the show until all the pieces fall into place and your patience
will be well rewarded.

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