Sexually motivated crime is often the most difficult to investigate,
not only are the victims often traumatised, guilt ridden and
psychologically damaged by their experience, but the necessity
for the police to get into the mind which has descended to
such depths also has a negative affect on the investigating
officers. To counteract the sex crimes in New York the police
force have gathered together a special type of officer in
the Special Victims Unit...
and Order: Special Victims Unit is a spin off from the
hit show Law and Order and a success in its own right.
Like its bigger brother the show has either been nominated
or actually won many awards since its inception. Also, like
Law and Order, it often uses real crimes as a jumping
off point for the drama. As can be imagined, any show which
deal exclusively with the crime of sexual assault is going
to be sailing close to the wind and SVU has attracted
more controversy that any of its sister shows.
latest box set contains all twenty-three harrowing episodes
from Season Three spread across six discs. This season
was originally broadcast in 2001.
focus of the show has shifted a little from its parent program
in that as well as showing the procedural side of the work
we get to spend more time in the character's private lives.
It retained the basic structure of Law and Order, including
preceding each scene with a description of place and time
with the famous clunk clunk sound and of course the beginning
monologue is narrated by Steven Zirnkilton.
writing, direction and acting are nearly faultless as the
various awards testify. Principle actors for Season Three
include Ice-T (Det Odafin Tutuola), Christopher Meloni (Det
Elliot Stabler), Mariska Hargitay (Det Olivia Benson), Richard
Belzer (Det John Munch), Stephanie March (A.D.A Alexandra
Cabot) and Dan Florek (Captain Donald Cragan). As you can
see from the list of characters, the focus on the show is
much more on the police side of things rather than the more
balanced approach of Law and Order, which makes sense
if you don't just want to make the same old show.
of the really nice things about the set is the menu system.
When you enter the section to play individual stories a little
victim file pops up with a brief description of the show -
handy if your looking for a particular plot and cant remember
the episodes title.
discs are presented in 4:3 aspect ratio, with a stereo soundtrack.
There are no extras on the disc excepting an advert. The picture
is clean with no obvious artefacts or print damage.
we have another great set of detective stories, one for fans
and one for those who like cop shows.

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