A group of national Guard rookies, led by an experienced sergeant,
have the job of dropping off supplies in an area of the Nevada
Desert which is to be used as an army training centre. Years
before the site had been used for atomic testing. Surveillance
equipment was recently in the process of being installed,
but when the National Guard arrives the camp appears to be
deserted. When a mirror signal is spotted high up on the rocks
the sergeant organises a search and rescue mission. However,
when one of the female rookies is taken, the others are forced
to follow her trail into mines containing violent, mutated
human cannibals...
this sequel to the Alexandre
Aja remake
of the original horror The
Hills Have Eyes, the production has opted for
the Aliens
army assault angle. In this case, aside from the sergeant
who is quickly dispatched (ironically, by one of his own number),
the entire squad consists of rookies. In this manner it reverts
to the overused characterisations prevalent in most horror
films. The rules set up in the classic Halloween and
spoofed in Scary Movie are still being utilised here
with little or no variation in the structure. So, effectively
we have anyone with any self-confidence being killed first,
the more naive individuals surviving longest (I even guessed
which ones), and even someone becoming hysterical before triggering
a booby trap. And of course we all know that "I really think
we're going to make it through this after all" is just a horror
movie translation of "I'm going to be the next one to die."
Make no mistake, this is horror by numbers. The entire plot
consists of the rookie soldiers following one of their number
into the mines, and then trying to make it out again alive.
Having said all that, it is eminently watchable, if a little
needlessly predictable. The mutants are fewer in number this
time and are less interesting, with no family structure. This
sequel lacks the originality and more varied locations of
its predecessors.
There are some nice special features here which gain this
release an extra point: Mutant Attacks featurette;
Birth of a Graphic Novel; Life After Film School
with Wes Craven; The Making of The Hills Have Eyes
2; Gag Reel; and Deleted Scenes. But where
is the by now expected commentary?

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