Linx, a Sontaran Officer, is forced to land his damaged ship
in Middle Ages England. Although he is able to make an alliance
with Irongron (David Daker), a local robber baron, the time
period does not provide the expertise that Linx needs to repair
his ship, so he reaches forward in time to steal scientists,
an act which brings him to the attention of the Doctor...
Warrior was the opening story for season eleven and Jon
Pertwee's last season as the Doctor. Directed by Alan Bromley
and written by Robert Holmes, the show was notable for a number
of firsts. It was the story that introduced the Sontarans
and Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith, an altogether more
modern companion. Oddly enough, given how long the show had
been running, it was the first time that the Doctor's home
planet was identified as Gallifrey and, lastly, season eleven
added new opening and closing sequences, using a slit scan
show was originally transmitted in four, twenty-five minute,
parts between December 1973 and January 1974. To be honest,
the story could have been condensed into a three-parter, as
some of the sections drag a little. The lack of pace has more
to do with lacklustre direction rather than any inherent fault
in the writing, which is a shame as this is Robert Holmes
at his writing best, providing an inventive script with nary
a wasted word. The overall plot is understated, no planets
at risk here, just a Sontaran mixing it up whilst trying to
repair his spaceship and getting involved in a minor medieval
scuffle between Irongron and his posh neighbour Edward of
Wessex (Alan Rowe). Worth noting here is June Brown (Dot from
Eastenders), who plays Lady Eleanor, wife to Edward,
making one of her rare television appearances outside of Eastenders.
show does have a few problems. The scientists are played as
stereotypical nerds in white coats, so much so, that you don't
really care what happens to them. Their portrayal is laughable
without being funny. The faux fight scenes are just as rubbish
as they always were. I'll admit that this is something that
I always personally felt about the Jon Pertwee stories; great
actor, unconvincing fighter. There are, of course, others
that will find the whole bitch slapping thing delightfully
silly and wholly enjoyable.
more the BBC has done the old girl proud and the Doctor Who
Restoration Team has done a great job of cleaning up the print
including adding sixteen new CGI effects which goes some way
to updating the show. For the purists amongst you, the show
can be viewed with its original dodgy effects. The story has
an open and honest full length commentary with Elisabeth Sladen,
producer Barry Letts and script editor Terrance Dicks.
the End is a feature partially shot at Peckforton Castle
which stood in for Wessex Castle and Irongron's Castle. The
feature looks at the making of the show and features Elisabeth
Sladen, Barry Letts and Terrance Dicks, unfortunately neither
Jon Pertwee nor Robert Holmes survive to make a contribution.
and Continuity does what it says on the box, being a small
collection of the continuity announcements for the show. There
is a photo gallery which runs through the thirty-eight pictures
automatically and looks to be part production shots and part
publicity shots. There's a nice light-hearted trailer for
the Key to Time season which implies that the season
will be released as a box set. This set has been available
for some time outside of the UK, so it was always an oddity
that it wasn't released earlier. Rounding off the extras you
get the Doctor Who Annual and the Radio Times
in PDF (PC and Mac) format, and subtitled production notes.
Audio is okay but not particularly dynamic.
this is not a bad story, though it's an odd one to pick to
open the season with. The introduction of Linx and Sarah Jane
may have persuaded the makers that this was strong enough
to be the season's opener. And, in the hands of another director
it may have been, but Bromley does little to add punch and
drama to what otherwise was a great script.

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