Jim Schmidt is the first Hittite to leave the community
and go away to college. When he returns with his new wife
Martha, he finds they are shunned by the modern-technology
hating religious group. When Jim is killed in a so-called
"accident" involving his own tractor, Martha turns
to two college friends who arrive to comfort her. Practically
threatened into accepting an offer for her house and land
from Isiah, the leader of the community, she steadfastly refuses.
However, when one of the older boys is stabbed to death whilst
spying on her house, Martha learns there is a multiple killer
at large in the area, who could very well have links to Jim's
Craven is legendary in the field of horror; even many mainstream
filmgoers will know this. Perhaps best known for A Nightmare
on Elm Street, he also has The Last House on the Left
and the original The
Hills Have Eyes - as well as a handful of other
contemporary classics to his name. Deadly Blessing
was his third feature, and proves less memorable for valid
reasons, particularly the fact that it succeeds in some aspects,
while failing miserably in others and concluding rather messily.
Borgnine is impressively intense as the Hittite leader and
Jim's father, Isiah. To his considerable acting credit you
find yourself hating him instantly. Because the Hittites are
so strict and hateful it becomes obvious that the killer can't
possibly be among their number. However, this does work reasonably
well as a murder mystery; it just can't decide whether to
be a thriller, a teen slasher or a Amityville-type
ghost story.
are lots of Steadicam point-of-view movements around Martha's
house, reminiscent of the opening scene in Halloween.
The ultimate motive for these killings is to protect a secret
which in the great scheme of things isn't really that important.
there are a number of set-pieces which really don't make a
great deal of sense come the conclusion of the film. And talking
of the end, it comes out of the blue and, although it can
be called original, it simply makes you think "What?!!"
Apparently, this ending was cut for the original UK theatrical

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