Coud Van Giruet is a sky pirate of the wind, a rather inept
member of the Red Lynx gang, who hopes to one day to become
the boss. On a raid against another ship, Coud rescues Reverie
Metherlence (Ren) who turns out to be one of the Shichiko-hoju,
an Edel Raid who, in conjunction with a human being, can become
the ultimate fighting machine. Together they search for the
lands of her people. But now, following the intervention of
Arc Aile, Ren and Cou have been separated...
Four of Elemental Gelade contains episodes fourteen
to seventeen of this twenty-six episode show.
fourteen, The Return of the Hunter, and Ren is determined
to find the Edel Garden, even if she has to travel there on
her own. Close behind her is Ren, trying to catch up with
her. The treatment of Ren and Cou does not sit well with Cisqua,
Rowen or Kuea. Although they can do little officially to help,
they take off in pursuit, under the guise of going on holiday.
Before he can catch up with Ren, Cou runs into Woix, the Edel
Hunter, whose use of his own Edel disgusts Cou. During their
fight it is Xoix who get a revelation about the relationship
between humans and their Edel. It's a bit of a filler episode
really. Ren appears only fleetingly, and the point that the
symbiotic relationship between humans and Edel takes too long
to arrive at.
fifteen, The Village of the Large Window, and Ren makes
it to a town where she meets a boy that reminds her of Cou.
Cou meanwhile is having trouble catching up with her, which
is odd really as she is on foot and they are zooming around
in a van. Cisqua visits an old friend only to discover that
it is the Chaos Choir that is after Ren. So, it's another
slow burner of an episode - whose main purpose appears to
highlight just how much Ren misses Cou - which really could
have been dealt with much more economically.
sixteen, Memory of a Wildbird, and having been reunited
at El Blanca, Ren and Cou, having defeated members of the
Chaos Choir, continue their journey towards the Edel Garden.
Together, with Cisqua's group, the two take passage on a cruise
ship. All seems fine until Cou is hit by a poisoned dart;
whoever shot the dart is still aboard the ship, which means
that Ren is in danger.
seventeen, The Rocky Fateful Encounter, and the group
finally reaches the continent on which the Edel Garden is
supposed to be, but before they can press on a new girl, Viro
appears who seems to be very enamoured of Cou. After getting
away from a group of sailors Viro joins the group.
disc is presented in 4:3 ratio with a Japanese or English
stereo track. Extras on the disc are pretty good for an anime.
You get the usual, watch once, textless opening, a bunch of
trailers and the DVD credits, but you are also treated to
a full length commentary, for episode fifteen, from the English
voice director and sound engineer.
show continues on its merry way, with not too many distractions
from the main arc, though it still hasn't quite found that
certain something to raise it to 'must watch' status.

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