The dastardly doings of Dr. Evil lead to his escape into outer
space and the cryogenic freezing of superagent Austin Powers.
Thirty years later Dr. Evil returns to earth to bring about
terror and mass destruction but finds his ideas and methods
a bit out of date. So too does our hero who upon being thawed
out, finds he's a bit behind the times as well. Well meaning
and bumbling efforts to thwart the insidious Dr. Evil keep
Austin and his devastatingly beautiful partner Vanessa busy
from London to Las Vegas...
little point in running through this movie - everyone's seen
it. When this was originally release on DVD I gave it a solid
9 out of 10. While the movie still holds up I'm seriously
trying to work out what on Earth Optimum thought they were
doing reissuing this without actually providing any real added
value content.
DVD comes as a two disc collection, which in itself is a joke.
Come on... it's pretty obvious that all the content would
have easily fitted on a single disc. So what extras do we
get. Well, there's the same additional content that was on
the original Pathe release (audio commentary with Mike Myers
and director Jay Roach - which is pretty dull; deleted scenes;
and two awful alternative endings).
for this DVD is a 17 minute retrospective entitled Austin
Powers: A Shagadelic Decade. Then there are a number of
text based information features that look at the guest stars
and what movies this is spoofing. These have hard to navigate
pages, due to the fact that the only way you can tell which
option you are highlighting is because it's very slightly
bolder than the other options. Also included is a 1997 promo
which includes interviews with Myers and Hurley on set. There's
a music video of Ming Tea's BBC song (2.5 mins); TV
spots (2 mins) and original trailer (2 mins); and a multiple
choice trivia quiz (which you can pretty much complete successfully
if you watch all of the extras).
that's it?! 27 mins of additional material and a crappy quiz?!?
DVDs are supposed to commemorate a movie. Where's the specially
commissioned features? Where's the thought and care that fans
will expect? Where's anything that would make you want to
rush out and buy this?
you can pick the original single disc version on most online
stores for around £3 why on earth would you spend nearly
£18 buying this badly padded reissue? This is the worst
attempt at a blatant cash in I've ever seen. Avoid like the

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