It takes a wide screen to fully capture Homer Simpson's stupidity,
and The
Simpsons Movie
does it. In the eagerly-awaited animated feature film based
on the hit TV series, Homer must save the world from a catastrophe
he himself created...
The Simpsons Movie, based on the hit television series, Homer
must save the world from a catastrophe which was his fault
in the first place. What began as an act of charity, rescuing
a pig from certain death, soon turns into a bit of a nightmare.
When Homer designs his own silo to contain the pig's droppings,
he doesn't realise what an ecological disaster is waiting
to happen - one the likes of which Springfield has never experienced.
As Marge is outraged by Homer's monumental blunder, a vengeful
mob descends on the Simpson household. The family makes a
narrow escape, but is soon divided by both location and conflict.
The Springfield citizenry has every reason to be out for Simpson
blood. The calamity triggered by Homer has drawn the attention
of US President Arnold Schwarzenegger and Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) head Russ Cargill. It soon becomes apparent that
to contain the disaster the EPA will need to erase Springfield
from the map - by placing a huge dome over the town.
As the fates of Springfield and the world hang in the balance,
Homer embarks on a personal odyssey of redemption - seeking
forgiveness from Marge, the reunion of his splintered family,
and the salvation of his hometown.
Simpsons Movie has been eagerly anticipate by the show's
fans for quite some time, and while the end result is far
from poor, it was never really going to live up to the expectations
placed on it. Personally, I was doubtful that the writers
could sustain a 20 minute animated show for a feature length
outing. I'm happy to report that I was very wrong. The gags
are well polished and the animation (some of which is computer
generated) still retains the look and feel of the TV show.
although I didn't check this claim out, every single Simpsons
character is included somewhere in this movie.
include two audio commentaries (one with cast and crew and
one with the directors); Deleted Scenes (5 mins); Special
Stuff (a handful of promotional Simpsons clips);
and A Lot of Trailers (five different The Simpsons
Movie trailers).
on the audio commentaries include the fact that this was the
first time I've seen the speakers being able to pause the
movie while they talk in length about a segment; the revelation
that the Russ Cargill character went through a huge change,
so that the finished version looked nothing like the originally
conceived character - however Burger King had already made
thousands of plastic figures; and talk of the missing scene
that sees Rev. Lovejoy setting fire to Maggie's cot.
the end of the day, Simpsons fans will enjoy this movie
- just don't be expecting too much.

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HMV Exclusive - contains a set of Simpsons artcards
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