Unravel the foreboding mysteries and save the people of Egypt
not once, but twice. The two most popular games in the Egypt
series (Egypt II and Egypt III) are now available
to buy in a Collector's Edition box set...
to a new Collector's Edition box set, more people will
be introduced to the Egypt series of games. Delve
into the deep mysteries of Ancient Egypt as you experience
two mystical and grandiose adventures in the days of Pharaohs
Amenophis III in 1360 BC and Ramses II in 1240 BC.
Egypt II: The Heliopolis Prophecy, the City of the
Sun is threatened by a terrifying epidemic. In
this game you play Tifet, priestess of the goddess, Sakhmet,
and scholar of the healing arts. The game is also partly based
on fact - in that scholars were employed to make the city
design as realistic as possible - drawing upon a number of
original sites as well as from historical records, in order
to create the ones you see in the game. The result is an environment
which you can explore (if you so wish) although, you can't
do too much other than wander around looking at how pretty
everything looks.
game revolves around Tifet and her quest to find a cure for
a disease that his fallen on the residents of Heliopolis.
The puzzles are not overly difficult, and if you are a fan
of point and click games you'll find it a welcome diversion.
Egypt III: The Fate of Ramses, uncover through the
eyes of Maia, a young magician appreciated by gods, the origin
of a curse befalling on the construction site of the god Amun-Re
Egypt II, Egypt III is a first person point
and click game. You play as Maya, who is under the employ
of Ramses II. It appears that your pharaoh has made a deal
with the sun god that will see Ramses II enjoying many more
years of life if he constructs a large statue to honour his
god. Someone, or thing, doesn't want the statue to be completed
and is trying their best to stop its construction. Your job
is to solve all the mysteries and ensure that the statue is
put in place.
puzzles range from challenging to difficult, but nothing that
should prove too much of a headache. My only real complaint
is that the game is a little on the short side - it shouldn't
take you too long to finish the entire game.
both games have strong female characters as their leads, I
couldn't help but be a little embarrassed by the developers
one step forward, two steps back approach. While it is commendable
to have strong female characters at the forefront of both
games, was it really necessary to have Tifet flutter her eyelashes
and behave all girly girly in Egypt II, or watch Maya
practically fall out of her top in almost every cut sequence
because her breasts are unfeasibly large in Egypt III?
But if you ignore that little complaint you'll find both games
to be a lot of fun.
fact that both of these games are available for under £20
is all the excuse you need to add them to your collection.
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All prices correct at time of going to press.