World Championship Poker 2 features a much more detailed
one player game, where you now have to work your way up the
ranks, starting in your mum's basement. Once you start winning
and accumulating money, you can spend your winnings on increasingly
better pads, and furnishings. Hit a losing streak, and you
may have to sell your stuff to stay in the game. Fourteen
types of poker are featured, including Texas Hold'em, Five
Card Draw, Seven Card Stud and Pineapple...
things first. If you don't like poker then there's no point
in reading any further. If you are an avid player, or are
interested in learning how to play the many varieties out
there, then this is not a half bad place to start.
don't know whether many parents would approve of their kids
learning to play poker, but apparently this managed to get
a PG rating. No doubt something do with training our young
ones up for the impending number of super casinos that will
soon be coming to a plot of land near you.
enough, for a budget priced game, there's quite a good character
design facility that allows you to create a fairly passable
likeness of yourself from a limited range of options. And
once you've created your character you get a range of gaming
of the biggest problems is that having a poker face, or being
good at reading other players faces is totally redundant with
most poker games - a skill that most poker players will tell
you is essential in playing a good game. The developers have
tried to get around this with the introduction of the Eye
Toy USB camera. Not having one handy I can't comment on how
effective this is. However, the fact that it is even used
is an impressive step forward.
are lots of great touches like this which you have no right
expecting from a budget game, yet they're crammed in there.
it looks ugly and the sound is laughable, but as far as fun
goes this game has it by the bucketful. And to be honest that's
all that really matters when it comes to games like this.
However, there's not enough variety here to warrant purchasing
this title if you already own the first volume.
short, a good, solid release that is great fun to play. And,
and under £20, it won't bankrupt you. Certainly worth
betting your cash on.
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