A ragtag ensemble of battle-hardened rogues and scoundrels
have been assembled by Han Solo. Gathered to execute some
of the most secretive operations in the Rebel Alliance's war
against the Galactic Empire, the Renegade Squadron participates
in battles spanning the galaxy. From the Valley of the Sith
on Korriban to a dogfight in space through the remains of
Alderaan, Solo directs the team on missions of sabotage, rescue
and retrieval...
Renegade Squadron, robust customisation options replace
the class system seen in previous Star Wars: Battlefront
titles, allowing for millions of possible unique combatants.
With weapons, equipment and abilities that you can select
yourself, no two allies will likely ever look or perform exactly
the same. The game also boasts expanded multiplayer options
for the PSP. Up to 16 players can compete against each other
over the Internet or eight via the PSP system's ad-hoc wireless
impressions of this game are that it looks great, but is a
little too fiddley for the PSP. The controls are a pig to
get used to, but the end result is worth it. Thankfully there
is an in-game tutorial to help you get to grips with the basics.
with the evacuation of Yavin 4 (end of A New Hope)
and ending with the Battle of Endor (Return of the Jedi),
the game's original story features 11 battles as seen through
the eyes of a clandestine Rebel team personally selected by
Han Solo.
maps include Ord Mantell, Boz Pity, Korriban, Sullust and
Saleucami, plus new space battles at Kessel, Hoth, and the
remnants of Alderaan. Renegade Squadron also adds a second
Hoth map, plus a new interpretation of Endor.
game also allows you, for the first time, fly aboard the
Millennium Falcon, Darth Vader's TIE Advanced,
Jango and Boba Fett's Slave I, and Obi-Wan Kenobi's
Jedi starfighter. It also debuts B-wings and TIE defenders
in space, plus A5-R Juggernauts, T4-B heavy tanks and mountable
carrion spats on land. In addition, new land-based heroes
include Admiral Ackbar, Ben Kenobi (Episode IV), IG-88,
Asajj Ventress and Kit Fisto.
you are a fan of the Battlefront series, then you'll
lap this portable version up. Great graphics, interesting
gameplay - but a nightmare to master.
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(Play.com) |
(HMV.co.uk) |
(Game.co.uk) |
Game exclusive - comes packaged with a PSP (Black)
Slim & Lite Console |
Game exclusive - comes packaged with a PSP (White)
Slim & Lite Console |
(WHSmith.co.uk) |
(Asda.co.uk) |

(Thehut.com) |
All prices correct at time of going to press.