You've seen the TV series, now buy the Doctor Who action
figures, produced under licence from the BBC by Character
Options. This collection reproduces some of the most memorable
characters from the new television series, as well as introducing
the 10th Doctor...
Options has long been synonymous with quality Doctor Who
products. Fans of Who have come to know that Character
Options name on a product usually means high quality merchandise.
Thankfully the company's new 2007 line of Doctor Who
toys build on that reputation.
Thay was third in command of the Cult of Skaro and was first
to be named on screen. This is the Dalek that declared war
on the cybermen after exterminating two of them. Thay fought
in the battle of Canary Wharf, where he sacrificed
three panels of dalekanium for the lightning conductor.
Dalek toys are two-a-penny these days (you can pick up so
many old toys on eBay), the Dalek Thay figure is an incredibly
well detailed offering. What really impressed me was how the
designers have gone that extra mile to produce something that
hardcore collectors as well as children will instantly fall
in love with.
looks as close to it's on screen version as you could hope
to own - and at £7 you'd be a fool not to pick this
up. This
action figure also includes rear panel damage which help to
make this stand out from the other Dalek toys available, and
I was impressed by how well made the finished product is.
you only buy one Dalek toy, make sure it's the Dalek Thay.

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(Please note all prices exclude P&P - although
Streets Online charge a flat £1 fee regardless
of the number of items ordered). Click on the
logo of the desired store below to purchase
this item.
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All prices correct at time of going to press.