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Graphic Novel Review

Book Cover

Original Text


Author: Mary Shelley
Script adaptation: Jason Cobley
Artists: Declan Shalvey and Jon Haward
Classical Comics
RRP: £9.99, US $16.95
ISBN: 978 1 906332 15 0
Available 29 September 2008

It was the dawn of science and technology. Anything seemed possible - even the creation of life itself. Victor Frankenstein becomes obsessed with this idea and works relentlessly to prove his theories; but the glory he imagined becomes a living nightmare - not only for him, but for his friends and family too...

Mary Shelley's gothic horror story Frankenstein was first published in 1818 and has been the inspiration behind numerous stage productions and films - many of which strayed a long way away from her original masterpiece. Classical Comics present a full-colour graphic novel remains true to this classic tale, bringing the original story to life like never before.

This graphic novel is available in two versions: Original Text and Quick Text editions. The Original Text stays faithful to Shelley's original text, while the Quick Text brings the story up to date by presenting the text into a more simplified style so that the tale is accessible to all.

For those studying Frankenstein at school, it's well worth picking up both editions to get a better appreciation of the story once you've read Shelley's original. The Quick Text edition will allow you to soak up a general feel for the characters and locations, while the Original Text version will help you easily slip into the language in which the novel was written.

For teachers, there are also teaching resources available that are designed to meet the requirements of the UK curriculum guidelines - and include exercises that cover structure, listening, understanding, motivation and character as well as key words, themes and literary techniques.

Even if you're not studying the original, this graphic novel is worth buying. It's a great story, and should be one that every one has the chance to read. Now, thanks to this release, even those who don't particularly like to read too much are given the chance to find this tale... and hopefully it may encourage children to search out the original book too.

As with previous Classical Comics releases, the presentation is first class. The best grade glossy paper really helps to set this graphic novel head and shoulders above the usually comic book releases on the market. Not only that, but you get a pretty comprehensive biography of Shelly; Mary Shelly's Family Tree; a feature that explains what life was like in the year of the book's release; and a brief look at how Frankenstein has been adapted to many different formats over the years.


Darren Rea

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