As season two of Stargate: SG-1 is released in the
UK as a box set, sci-fi-online looks back at what it
was about that second year that captured the publics imagination...
will take you a million light years from home... but will
it bring you back?"
was the question posed by the blockbusting film Stargate
- the story of how an ancient Egyptian portal to another world
was unearthed and then used to travel across the galaxy.
answer can be found in the hugely successful television series
it subsequently spawned. Stargate SG-1 saw Colonel
Jack O'Neill (Richard Dean Anderson), Dr Daniel Jackson (Michael
Shanks), Captain Samantha Carter (Amanda Tapping) and alien
warrior Teal'c (Christopher Judge) access an even bigger network
of portals that would regularly deposit them on worlds beyond
imagination. A cult favourite across the world, the series
- now in it sixth season, recently renewed for a seventh season
and with a new feature film in preparation - has thrilled
television audiences and also been a huge hit on VHS and DVD.
the first time, MGM are releasing season by season box-sets
of Stargate SG-1 and the entire second season of the show
has been collected together for the first time (available
from 30 December 2002 for £59.99).
second season of the show proved beyond all doubt that Stargate
SG-1 had found a unique niche within (and beyond) the
cult genre. While many actions shows seemed to appeal to mainly
a young, male demographic, here's a show that has a massive
fan-base of men and women of all ages and nationalities, with
stories that relied on characters rather than mere special
Cooper, co-executive producer/writer on the show, said: "When
you see the typical Star Wars audience you think young
boys and kids... and there is still the older audience that
were big fans in the 1970s. But the 50-70 year old women are
also watching Stargate, not the typical audience you
would associate with a science-fiction show or an action show!
That's a testament to our cast and to the characters and that
we try to mix up the stories so they aren't always shoot-em-ups
and silly B movies.
have a great time doing them, but we also try to do some stuff
that's a little more issue-orientated and which has moral
dilemmas in them - something that involves important decisions
to get out of a problem rather than 'reversing the polarity
on the tachyon emitter'. We do the technical babble, but in
Stargate, the technobabble is not the solution, it's
the means to put the team off in a situation where they have
to make a moral decision. Making that correct moral decision
gets you in and out of the problem. Technobabble is, in many
ways, a means to and end, rather than the end."
second season of the show not only builds on the popularity
of the first, but also introduces some recurring characters
and themes that will become important as the show progresses.
For instance, the SG1 team and Earth strikes up cautious alliances
with the likes of the guerrilla fighters known as the Tok'ra
and the seemingly diminutive but cosmically-powerful Asgard
(aliens that may have inspired all those 'little grey men'
sightings!) But Apophis and the forces of the Goa'uld return
to threaten not only SG-1 but the planet Earth as well and
on a more subtle level Stargate Command begins to realise
the implications in stepping out into a bigger universe that
might not appreciate a visit!
Wright, the shows co-executive producer, said: "What we realised
in Season Two was that every time we created a new story it
was a good idea to leave something unresolved or help design
some possibilities to do another story. The introduction of
the Tok'ra race was a good example. So was the episode Thor's
Chariot, a sequel to the first season's Thor's Hammer.
We created more and more threads that we could build upon.
making the (time-travel) episode 1969 was fun. We all
enjoyed that so much and I remember the mood on the set had
never been better. That's when we realised that we were actually
having real fun making the show!" "
Dean Anderson, who stars and produces the series, added: "That's
one of the prerequisites to work on this set, is that you've
gotta have a sense of humour. That's my only demand... that
you come in with a clear sense of a willingness to communicate
if you have problems, but also with an ability to laugh at
what we're doing because no one is going to die at our hands.
No grand revelations are going to be discovered at our hands,
so let's have fun while we're doing our jobs!"
SEASON 2 Highlights
- Episode
2.1: The Serpent's Lair
- Trapped
on a Goa'uld ship at the end of last season, can SG-1 not
only escape but also halt the invasion against Earth. Even
if they can, will they have to leave one of their number
- Episode
2.2: In the Line of Duty
- During
an off-world mission, Carter becomes the host of a Goa'uld
symbiote called Jolinar. But when the deception is discovered,
the team learn of a possibly friendlier faction of the enemy
known as The Tok'ra.
Episode 2.4: The Gamekeeper
- Things
may not quite be what they seem when SG-1 begin to suspect
that a virtual reality game may be the source of their strange
visions of the past? Is this game-over or merely 'reset'
for the team?
Episode 2.9: Secrets
- Daniel's
main reason for staying with SG-1 has been the mission to
rescue his beloved wife Sha'are, but when he returns to
Abydos (as he promised he would) and it is revealed that
she is now carrying Apophis' child, what will he do? And
back on Earth, O'Neill has to deal with a reporter who seems
to know all about the secret Stargate project.
Episode 2.11 & 2.12: The Tok'ra (1/2)
Sam has visions of what she assumes to be the memories of
Jolinar. But if they are true the Tok'ra race may be under
attack? Can, will or should the SG-1 team help them and
can they also aid Sam's dying father?
- Episode
2.15: A Matter of Time
Another SG team run towards an off-world Stargate and their
only way home. Back at Stargate Command events take a drastic
turn for the worse as the wormhole connecting them to the
SG team becomes affected by a Black Hole, warping time itself.
- Episode
2.16: The Fifth Race
- After
looking into an alien machine, O'Neill suddenly begins to
talk in an ancient language. Can his boosted knowledge be
harnessed before it kills him or can the Asgard help once
- Episode
2.17: Serpent's Song
- When
a wounded Apophis asks for help, naturally SG-1 are suspicious,
but their enemy may hold the knowledge to defeat an even
deadlier fore
- Episode
2.18: Holiday
Daniel Jackson isn't feeling like himself.and after touching
an alien device it's clear why! An ancient inventor Machello
decides a leisurely holiday using Daniel's body is just
what he needs after a life of torment.
Episode 2.21: 1969
- A
Gate malfunction sends the team back to the year that man
first stepped on the moon and when America was in the grip
of the Summer of Love. While dealing with the serious problem
of returning to their own time, the team also find time
to blend in with the hippy population. You may never look
at the solemn Teal'c in the same way again!
- Episode
2.22: Out of Mind (1/2)
- In
the first of a two-part story, Colonel O'Neill is awakened
from a frozen stasis chamber and told he is the last survivor
of SG-1's final mission. The scientists, who say they are
in what remains of the SGC, tell him the year is now 2077...

thanks to Darren at MGM press office
two of Stargate: SG-1 is out to buy now from MGM
(£59.99 DVD)
our SG-1 box set reviews:
SG-1 - Season 1 box set
SG-1 - Season 2 box set
SG-1 - Season 3 box set
SG-1 - Season 4 box set
SG-1 - Season 5 box set
SG-1 - Season 8 box set
