Thomas (Tom) Loren Lenk was born in Westlake Village, California,
USA on June 16th, 1976. Tom graduated with a Bachelor of Arts
from UCLA. Since graduating, Tom has had a wide variety of
acting jobs. He toured with the European Cast of Grease playing
the role of Doody. He is also a playwright, having written
three plays to date. But it is the part of geek Andrew on
Buffy the Vampire Slayer that he is best known. Keri Allan
caught up with him as the final volume of Buffy the Vampire
Slayer was about to be released on video...
Keri Allan: How did you get involved
in Buffy? Were you a fan of the show before you joined?
Lenk: It was the normal way of things in television - auditions,
I actually played a vampire during season five, and that was
in full make up so I was able to audition later for this role,
and I got it!
When you agreed to play the role of Andrew did you have any
idea how long your character would be sticking around for?
No, I mean we knew we'd be on all of season six, but that
was all that we were originally told. I didn't know that we'd
be around for season seven and I had no idea that I would
end up going through to the final episode - I assumed that
I would be the first one killed!
Yes, I guess that you must have been impressed that you ended
up surviving right through to the end of the finale!
TL: Yeah, I was very happy about it!
So when did you find out you were going to be in season seven?
Did you get much warning?
We were actually on our way over here to appear in a convention
in London last October and we're getting on the plane and
we all got the call saying we want you to be here, so it was
real last minute and it was sort of fun jet setting all over
the place.
How many conventions have you been to now?
Oh I've just done a few, they're pretty interesting you get
to meet the fans and what not, there's worse things than going
to places where people all love you!
I can imagine. How do you find the Buffy fans?
Usually dedicated and you know, just happy to meet you, and
supportive and it's nice because they all want to know what
you're doing next. They'll tune into whatever you're on its
pretty cool. Every once in a while you get a couple that are
sort of fruit-looped, I had a couple that said: "Wow,
you look like shit! I hope you're feeling okay?!' Thanks!
I don't think they meant it how they said it, but it was still
a little odd.
KA: Do you find that a lot of fans really
click with your characters because of the whole 'nerd' aspect
of it, do they think you're 'one of them'?
Yeah we usually have to explain that we're not really geeks
we just play them on TV [laughs]. They're always disappointed
to learn that we really don't know any of those sci-fi references
that we're talking about. It's always a little upsetting to
them, 'cos I think in a way they really relate to us because
a lot of them are sort of into the whole thing - they're very
similar to the characters that we play, so it makes them sad
when they find out that we're not really like that. But we
are 'Act-tors' hence the whole 'pretending' thing. We hate
to break it to them, but that's our job!
To clear the record then, are you anything like your character
or are you the total opposite?
No, I think I'm a lot less awkward than he is, although he
does live in his own fantasy world, I live in my own world
also, but its not quite as colourful. He's an interesting
character to play, he has an imagination that just runs wild,
and if I just let my imagination run wild I'd probably come
up with those things too.
KA: What was you favourite scene that
you filmed while on Buffy?
I think that would have to be this past season, in Storyteller
when I'm filming my masterpiece theatre sort of send-up sitting
with this smoking jacket and a pipe. That made me laugh when
I read it, and made me laugh when I was doing it, I really
had fun.
Thank you for your time.

The Vampire Slayer season 7.2 is available to buy on video
from 20th
Century Fox Home Entertainment from 08 September 2003
can buy this video now by clicking here.
You pay £25.99 (RRP: £34.99)
