Will Smith grew up in middle class West Philadelphia and
got the nickname 'Prince' because of the way he could charm
his way out of trouble. Pursuing music, he met Jeff Townes
and began performing together as DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh
Prince. In 1989 Smith met Benny Medina, who had an idea for
a sitcom based on his life in Beverly Hills. Smith loved the
idea, as did NBC, the result was The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
Smith basically played himself; a street-smart West Philly
kid transplanted to Beverly Hills. The series lasted six years.
During that time, he ventured into movies in Six Degrees
of Separation (1993). With the success that came with the
action picture Bad Boys (1995), Will's movie career
was set. He had a huge hit with the Blockbuster Independence
Day (1996) and Men in Black (1997).
Darren Rea caught up with him as his new movie, I,
was due to be released theatrically in the UK...
Rea: I, Robot has done incredibly well in America,
you must be happy about that.
Smith: I'm very happy about that. I'm more happy with the
fact that I feel that we made a great movie, because I've
had big box office success in the past with not so great movies,
and that doesn't feel nice [laughs].
be competent in the film with the powerful, intellectual base
that Isaac Asimov set forth with his original short stories,
and the great visionary future that Alex [Proyas, I, Robot's
director] put together, and some of the greatest special effects
you've ever seen. It's the biggest opening weekend I've ever
had. I feel good about that, but I'm happy that people like
the movie.
You appear nude in the movie. What was that like to film?
Did you have as few people on the set as possible that day,
or did you just go for it?
No, we brought people in. We had a studio audience [laugh].
No, it was really bizarre and awkward. You just want as few
people there as possible, but it was really important character
nakedness, Okay? It wasn't just gratuitous Hollywood nakedness.
The character suffered from a psychological condition called
survivor's guilt - that's where you are in an accident, and
you're the only one alive and you feel guilty about it. One
of the symptoms is paranoia, which is the reason why we had
the door open, there's no curtain curtain. He doesn't wash
his hair, because he needs his eyes to be open because he's
paranoid. So it was deep nakedness.
You turned down a scholarship to attend the Massachusetts
Institute Of Technology...
So the legend has it [laughs]
Do you ever wonder where you would be now if you had taken
that up?
Well, you know maths and science has always been huge in my
life. From about the time I was five years old I wanted to
be a scientist and that was the road my parents were leading
me down.
was probably about 11 or 12 when I first got interested in
entertainment. I
guess my love of science fiction is sought of a blend of the
future that had been set forth for me in science and then
the ability to entertain. Then when I was around eight or
nine years old, Star Wars was the movie that put me
into a space where the science fiction element of it was almost
a spiritual connection for me. That someone could imagine
that, put it up on a screen and make me feel like that...
My entire career I've been trying to make people feel how
Star Wars made me feel.
You've had a love hate relationship with reviewers over the
years. One minute you can do no wrong, and the next they are
attacking your latest project. Is that something that bothers
You know, any time you create and you're putting something
out in the world you have to expect that some things are going
to be great and some things are going to be... not so great.
Probably Bad Boys is the most pain I've ever experienced
in my career. I feel that the better movie was inside the
movie that we had. You take 25 minutes out of the film and
get rid of some of the gratuitous things that were in that
movie and it would have been a better film.
there's the movies like Wild Wild West, where we just
missed - a swing and a miss. Bad Boys is much more
painful to me because I feel like I have a relationship with
the audience and I would strive for quality. I don't make
movies for money. I make a movie because it's something that
I would like to see and I would want the audience to see.
So, for me, it's more painful when the quality is the let
down rather than the box office let down.
Do you pay attention to the media critics when they review
your movies?
Generally the type of films I make, the summer films at least,
are virtually review proof. I don't think I've ever received
a good review for one of the summer films. Siskel and Ebert
in the States, who were the most popular reviewers, would
give movies thumbs up and thumbs down. They actually gave
Independence Day four thumbs down - the only movie
in their history to get four thumbs down. Most movies would
get a thumb up or down from both reviewers. They originally
gave the movie two thumbs down, then it came out and was successful
and they said: "You know, the movie was so successful,
let's review it again. Maybe we missed something." So
they watched it again and gave it two thumbs down again. [Laughs]
the beginning of my career I've been used to bad reviews for
the summer blockbusters. But for a film like Ali or
Six Degrees of Separation, I desperately need you to
stop writing bad things about me. [Laughs]
The image of the future churned out by Hollywood movies is
always rather bleak. Do you worry that as technology progresses
that we may lose control and end up creating something that
could destroy mankind?
I think the concept of Isaac Asimov's paradigm, that he set
out with the three laws, is essentially that there's nothing
wrong with the technology. The technology is absolutely fine
- the robots in I, Robot are doing exactly what they
have been programmed to do.
problem is more man's arrogance in thinking that we can confine
the universe to laws. The universe will not be confined to
laws. The only thing that's going to happen is this harsh
adherence to logic, and rejecting our intuition, is that we
will be left in the situation that we see in I, Robot.
it's not specifically about what will happen with the robots,
it's more an indictment of human logic than it is an indictment
of technology. I think that the concept of technology is that
we will have the lower intellectual endeavours taken care
of by robots or computers, which will free man up and actually
give us more time to read books and evolve.
love technology. Whatever the latest in thing is, I've got
to have it. I'm a serious techno geek. I have an Ipod, which
is the greatest gadget of the millennium.
Do you ever think that we will get to a point where robot's
serve man in a way similar to that depicted in I, Robot?
If you look at the technology of the last 50 years it's actually
advanced at a rate equal to the last thousand years. With
the discovery of the microchip in the 50s, technology is expanding
actually believe that the future that we see - the robotic
technology, the electromagnetic cars and all of that - may
not be even 30 years in the future. We could be much closer
to that.
robotic technology that exists, which we studied for the film,
is already high advanced. They have cameras in some of the
7-11s in the States which are programmed with theft body language.
The camera can determine whether someone is stealing through
their body language. Is that just a cool camera? Or is it
artificial intelligence? At some point, the camera is going
to be a better judge of whose stealing than a person whose
sitting there watching.
technology is there it's just a matter of pooling it into
one piece of hardware.
So would you allow a robot in your house?
Oh, absolutely.
What household chore would you employ it to do?
We can't talk about that [laughs]. No, I think the perfect
use for a robot would be as a golf caddy. I play golf a lot,
but I'm really not good. If you had a robot that could tell
you the exact distance to the hole and what the wind was doing...
I'd probably still be bad, but I'd have a robot.
The rise of technology in movies is something that is becoming
increasingly more sophisticated, to the point where the line
between a visual effect and a CGI effect is becoming harder
to spot. Do you worry that eventually actors may one day be
replaced by CGI?
What we saw with this film is exactly the opposite.
The performance of Sonny in this film is Alan Tudyk's [better
known for his role of Jerry Lee "Wash" Warren in Firefly]
performance. All of the body language, the eyes, the facial
movements, the voice are all Alan Tudyk's. You are seeing
the performance of an actor that were then adapted by the
special effects people.
go to the movies to see and feel humanity. And, at this point,
you can not computer generate humanity.
You started in the music business before moving over to acting
- a transition that few musicians have been able to manage
successfully. Why do you think you made that transition where
others have failed?
I think I was always an actor that was rapping. The music
was always very theatrical and the music videos, I think,
reflected that. Quincy Jones [producer and composer who has
scored many TV themes including The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]
introduced me to some people for the television show The
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. I
think making a transition to television prior to the film
world was the best thing that ever happened to me. Television
is like the gym - it's a really good training ground that
gives you a really good workout and teaches you how to work
the opportunity to move into films was a gradual process.
Six Degrees of Separation was the first real "roll
the dice on everything". But other than that, it was
a really slow building process, really slow learning process
and I've never had to do anything for the money. I think that's
what really gave me the opportunity to make the right choices.
When people start offering you money, I think that throws
a lot of people off and you find yourself in a lot of situations
that may not be the right ones.
It's been said that the triumph of Halle Berry's performance
in Monster's Ball was not that she won an Oscar, but
that she was cast in a role that didn't specifically require
a black actress. Do you think that Hollywood is starting to
offer greater roles for all actors and actresses now, regardless
of their ethnicity?
The big issue with the racial elements of Hollywood are that
you have presidents of studios, and 90 percent of the staff,
that are Caucasian. So they are going to make stories that
are close to their hearts. Therefore the roles that are created,
the scripts that they are creating for their studio will reflect
their experiences. Once Will Smith or Halle Berry shows another
role or angle is when it comes onto the heads of the studios
radar. But until that point you couldn't, and shouldn't, expect
an American from New York to make a wonderful story about
someone from Ireland.
What about Tom Cruise in Far and Away?
Oh yes. [Laughs] That's terrible. [Laughs] What was he thinking?
gonna stop right now or I can see: "Will Smith says..."
The Hollywood machine is so intent, especially with summer
blockbusters, to leave movies open for sequels. I, Robot
is a stand alone movie is that intentional? Did you deliberately
plan it that way so that that you wouldn't have the studio
trying to get you to make a sequel?
Alex [Proyas] is an art film director and cringes at the mainstream
concept of Hollywood. We talked about the concept of Bridget
and I kissing at the end of the movie and Alex was like "What?"
film that Alex created is beautifully artistic to me. My favourite
scene is Sonny and I in the interrogation room. I love the
humanity of that scene. The direction that he gave me was
that I was a racist sheriff who had just captured the person
who I am most racist against. I wasn't used to getting that
sort of direction in a summer blockbuster I would normally
be: "No, it's fine. Just let me do me." [Laughs]
Thank you for your time.

thanks to Victoria Keeble and Emily Carr at Greenroom Digital
Century Fox's I, Robot is on general release
from 06 August 2004
