He's an old, cool oriental dude who has a new cult following
amongst the younger generation thanks, in no small part, to
an excellent cartoon series. Yes Jackie Chan is big again.
look, someone is determined to wring as much money out of
this little gem with the launch of Jackie Chan action dolls.
Well excuse me for not jumping for joy but I'm afraid I was
duped by the text on the front of the box which states "real
Kung-Fu fighting action." Now call me old fashioned,
but I don't think that a plastic doll, that incidentally has
no knee or elbow joints, is really going to be able to live
up to this promise, do you? And surprise, surprise it does
the doll's look great and are great to play with (you even
get more than enough accessories to keep you happy until they
are sucked up your vacuum cleaner) but I'm bitter about the
very untrue flash on the cover.
said, these are fun and will keep the kids amused for hours.
