For all you budding vampire slayers there is now a product
on the market that will help you train for the unexpected.
Never will you fear walking outside after dark once you have
mastered a few moves with the Slam Man.
that might be stretching the truth a little, but if you have
always wanted a punchbag to help you work out then forget
it and look at getting your hands on one of these instead.
Man is a great way to have fun while keeping fit. As one
of the eight lights switches on you must hit it as hard as
you can (brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'punching
someone's lights out!') Or you can go for a combination of
moves to help increase upper body strength. And, as you progress,
you might like to try a little fancy footwork.
exercise machine has three levels and five different routines
to keep you fit. Four routines are programmed in already and
the other is a completely random program. Once this monster
is weighed down with sand or water, even Tyson couldn't knock
it over. It has a variable punch setting so it will react
to any strength of punch.
can take all your aggression out on Slam Man and the
best part is he doesn't hit back. Every family should have
one. Slam
Man comes with boxing gloves and instructional video and
his height can be adjusted up to a total of six feet.
only downside is that you have to buy a whole heap of sand
to weigh it down - and then you can punch it like crazy and
it won't move!
I'm off on patrol tonight, so heaven help any rogue vampires
that get in my way.

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(Please note all prices exclude P&P - although
Streets Online charge a flat £1 fee regardless
of the number of items ordered). Click on the
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All prices correct at time of going to press.