would you do if you needed to cross a piranha invested lake?
How would you survive if you were in a plummeting lift? And
would you be able to escape from a bush fire? Have you got
what it takes to survive in the real world?...
The Worst-Case Scenario board game and find out just
exactly who amongst your friends you would most like to be
stuck in the middle of a jungle with. Who would come through
and who would just fall to pieces.
game itself is very basic. You get a board, a die, some counters
and a box of questions. You star off by throwing the die and
then being asked a question which has a choice of three possible
answers. Sounds easy, but it isn't.
played this game in the office for a whole afternoon and by
the time our working day was up four of us decided to stay
on, order a pizza and a few beers and play on till nine in
the evening.
is the perfect game for after dinner parties and works really
well with couples competing against each other - you can imagine
the arguments now can't you?
have been asking some of the questions that came up to my
friends and family and I have also been boring complete strangers
with some of the facts that I have learnt. For instance I
went shopping last week and as I got into the lift I noticed
a very scared looking woman against the back wall. "Scared
of lifts?" I asked. When she replied that she was I simply
informed her the best way to survive should our metal box
plummet to the ground floor. For some reason this didn't make
matters any better and she got off at the next floor and walked
up the stairs.
I have to leave this game in the office for everyone to play,
but I can tell you one thing - I am going to hunt one down
to play with at home.

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