the thrills of playing Russian roulette, without any of the
danger... well, with less danger. Shocking roulette is a game
for one to four players. Choose a number between one and four,
insert your finger in the shock station, press the button
so that the machine will randomly choose a victim and then
laugh as they receive a mild electric shock... or yell out
in pain as you discover that this time you are the victim...
roulette is a great way of discovering which of your mates
has no fear. Once you've been zapped, you are a braver man
than I if you dare play again. The shock itself is not overly
painful, but it does leave a tingling sensation for sometime
afterwards - and I can think of more pleasurable things.
two and four people can play at the same time. You slip your
finger in one of the numbered shock stations and press the
"start" button. Waiting for the victim to be chosen
is about the most suspenseful thing you are likely to have
to go through. The numbered lights flash as the machine beeps.
This gets slower and slower, until the lights stop flashing
and the beeps continue to slowly let you know it is still
choosing a victim and then a loud metallic "clank"
goes off as the machine electrocutes one of the victims.
this slow process that will really test your nerve. If you
can keep you finger on the electrode, then you are half way
through the torture.
we did find a cunning flaw in the design of this item. If
you are clever enough you can push your finger to the roof
of the numbered dome that houses the electrode. This way you
can stop yourself from receiving the shock if you are the
victim (You'll know when to fake being shocked because your
light will be illuminated.)
assuming you don't using cheating tactics, this is the perfect
way to settle any arguments and can easily be carried to the
pub so that you can decide whose round it is.
fun and cheap too.

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