Air Hogs Jet Blasterz are two planes in one. The Jet transforms
in mid air into a plane. Dock the Jet Blasterz onto the rubber
band launcher, pull back and fire. Watch as it soars to heights
of up to 70 feet and witness the mid-air transformation before
it glides and loops gracefully back down to earth. The Air
Hogs Jet Blasterz are available in six collectable styles
all with different colours and graphics...
Jet Blasterz range takes an old tried and tested kids toy
and brings it into the 21st century. The old catapult launched
plane format has been improved upon. Now, instead of simply
launching the plane into the air, Air Hogs Jet Blasterz' range
allows the plane's wings to be folded away for the launch
so that it climbs to a greater height. Once it has reached
a certain altitude, the wings gently unfold and the plane
glides to earth - or does somersaults, if you have altered
the plane's flaps.
first impressions of this model were not overly impressive.
Once out of the pack, we noticed that there were several bits
of sticky tape that were hanging loose from the plane (these
stick the polystyrene wings to the plastic wing structure).
This made it appear badly constructed.
upon launching it we found this to be great fun. It soars
to an impressive height before gliding back to earth - you'll
need a wide, open space to fly this in.
no matter how careful you are with it, it won't be long before
the wings are too damaged to fly it as well as when you first
get it out of the box. After
about two hours, we noticed that the plane started flying
erratically - nose-diving for no apparent reason or spinning
uncontrollably to earth. We tried straightening the wings,
and ensuring all flaps were level, but nothing seemed to sort
this problem out - a problem which made the plane unflyable.
£6 for over two hours fun is not bad value for money
and I would certainly consider buying another model to experience
the same enjoyment again. Cheap
and cheerful, these models are good value for money.

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Click on the logo of the desired store below
to purchase this item.
3-Head Monster (Purple) |
Alien Fighter Pilot (Green) |
Dark Fighter Pilot (Black) |
Flames (Red) |
Robot (Blue) |
Cobra Snake (Bright Green) |
stockist of this item include: Toys 'R' Us, Woolworths
and all good toy shops
All prices correct at time of going to press.