He's the archetypal harassed husband, the little guy with
the big ideas that always seem to go awry somewhere along
the line. Bar room philosopher Homer Simpson, star of one
of TV's greatest cult successes, the classic cartoon series
The Simpsons, does seem to find life something of a puzzle:
which makes him the ideal figurehead - literally - for a clever
and inventive incarnation of the world's greatest puzzle,
the legendary Rubik's Cube...
Homer Simpson Rubik's Cube looks
like a bit of a con. The thing only comes in eight segments
so it's bound to be a doddle to mix up and reassemble isn't
it? Surely you're not going to need to use the guide book
included to put it back to normal? Actually, it's not quite
as simple as it looks.
how does it work? Well, Homer's head is split into eight different
pieces, and divided in half in three ways (horizontally, vertically
from right to left, and vertically from front to back). Each
of the pieces can be twisted around a central axis, so within
just a few turns, poor old Homer's eyes could end up where
his mouth used to be.
it's not quite as complicated as the original
Rubik's cube, it's still something of a challenge
and once you've mixed the thing up it's incredibly difficult
to put down - you'll want to get it back to it's original
is the perfect gift for every serious Simpsons fan.


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