The battle for the fate of Narnia is about to begin, and the
fulfilment of an ancient prophecy is at hand. Two Sons of
Adam and two Daughters of Eve have come to the country of
the talking beasts to be enthroned at Cair Paravel, and the
Great Lion Aslan has returned to Narnia. The Hundred Years
Winter is at an end...
well in advance of the movie's 08 December 2005 theatrical
release, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch
and the Wardrobe toys from Disney should be snapped up
now before they become this Christmas's must own, and hard
to find, toys.
Oreius action figure is incredibly well detailed. This centeur
warrior comes equipped with armour and a removable sword.
The paint job is pretty impressive - making the figure look
like he's been in battle. His armour is skuffed in places
and his sword appears dirty. This makes these toys appear
more lifelike - and certainly something that serious collector's
will appreciate.
the torso gives this figure a broadsword slahing action, and
pulling it back, with it's rear legs pushed down, allows it
to appear as though it is rearing up.
or not the movie is a box office success or failure, one thing
is certain, fans of the movie couldn't wish for a better quality
range of toy merchandise.


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