rude, she's mean, she's cutting and now you can have Anne
Robinson in you own living room interrogating you and your
relatives this Christmas - if you're that way inclined.
on from the success of the Electronic version of Who Want's
to be a Millionaire, Tiger Electronics has picked up on
the success of The Weakest Link and turned it into
a great family game complete with the cutting voice of Ms
game consists of eight rounds - including 'head to head' and
'sudden death' - and with 2000 different questions this game
should keep you amused for some time to come.
played it in the office last week and only one member of the
team stormed off in a huff and failed to speak to anyone for
the rest of the day - which was fine by us!
you like the show you'll love this. Tiger, yet again, have
released a quality game at a wonderfully cheap price. Just
£30 for this? They must be doing us a favour - have
you tried to buy a decent game recently? Even half decent
board games are around this price.
charades this year and invest in one of these.

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(Please note all prices exclude P&P - although
Streets Online charge a flat £1 fee regardless
of the number of items ordered). Click on the
logo of the desired store below to purchase
this item.
All prices correct at time of going to press.