The Doctor takes Ace to Ibiza, 1997, for some much-needed
recreation. However, their holiday plans are disrupted by
the presence of a young man who carries a photograph of Ace,
and two "angels" who are intent upon "saving the souls" of
the island's hedonistic party-goers...
double CD certainly boasts some inventive gimmicks. For a
start, there's the compilation album style sleeve design.
And appropriately enough, this dance-club-based adventure
features an appealing club-style mix of the Doctor Who
theme. In addition, there's the presence of Tony Blackburn
(who recently gained extra kudos by winning I'm a Celebrity...
Get Me Out of Here!) in a self-parodying role as both
himself and a sinister hallucination. "He's a celebrity,"
the high-ups at Big Finish (possibly) said, "get him in there!"
You cannot tell a story about rave culture without at least
acknowledging the use of recreational drugs. This is an adult
theme that would have been difficult, if not impossible, to
have tackled on the Doctor Who TV show, even though
writer Joseph Lidster ensures that his is a cautionary tale.
(Sophie Aldred), currently going by her real name, Dorothy
Gale McShane, also seems more grown-up on this occasion. It's
nice to see that Robert Perry and Mike Tucker's suggestion
for Dorothy's surname (Gale, which conflicted with the more
widely established McShane) has now been assimilated into
the continuity. Meanwhile Liam (played by David John, who
appeared in the final TV serial Survival in 1989),
the young man with Ace's photograph, has a refreshingly down-to-earth
motivation. Such maturity of characterisation and subject
matter is exactly the sort of thing that Andrew Cartmel was
aiming for during his tenure as the TV series' final script
might not be the most eventful adventure to have come from
the Big Finish stable, but it nevertheless marks another effective
use of the audio medium. And as a bonus, there are some instrumental
tracks at the end of the second disc.

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