Star Wars
Rise of Nobility

Starring: Elizabeth Ascot, Evan Slaasted, Keith Abbott and Linda Lyons
Shaven Wookie Productions
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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... It is a dark time for Naboo. Fleeing the invading forces of the Trade Federation, the embattled Queen and her retinue have been forced to land on the desert planet of Tatooine. The pod race upon which their fate rests is still a day hence, and there is nothing to do but wait. As young Anakin Skywalker test-drives the pod, Padme Naberrie looks back to an earlier time, to the crisis that forged her into the Queen she has become...

Hello? Did they say this was a fan production? Well firstly let me say that I've heard plenty of professional productions - Hell I've even listened to radio plays on BBC Radio 4 - that couldn't touch this. Professional acting, script writing and mixing are all important elements in productions of this kind and Rise of Nobility is overflowing with talent in all areas.

John Williams' original score and sound effects from the movie are used wonderfully as are a heap of original sound effects. Four years in the making and it was certainly time well spent.

Sadly the surround sound version (yes this was originally mixed in surround sound) is not available on line - which is a great shame. But the stereo version is more than adequate to show the huge amount of talent that is behind this audio production.

Keith Abbott's portrayal of Jar Jar is spot on, as is Eric Grove's Qui-Gon. Ted Alderman's Red Beard is also worthy of merit but all praise must be reserved for 14 year old Elizabeth Ascot in the role of Amidala/Padme.

If you are a Star Wars fan, or love well produced audio productions, then you really should download this. Go on! It's free. You won't regret it.

Nick Smithson

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