As Mega-City One plays host to the Global Justice Summit -
a gathering of Chief Judges from around the world - the legacy
of an enemy from the city's distant past returns to plague
Judge Dredd and his new partner, Oz Judge Hogan; with a deadly
fanatic cult on the rise, Dredd must face a dark reflection
of himself and stem the tide of a raging holy war!...
storyline for Jihad is short and simple, yet James
Swallow manages to weave one of the series' most exciting
plots - and certainly one of the most dramatic.
Gallagher delivers a very sexy Judge Hershey, Toby Longworth
gives us by far the best Dredd ever vocalised, and Garrick
Hagon's Jonah sounds like the best pantomime villain ever
- no insult intended.
values, which for this series have always been high, seem
to have been hitched up a notch for Jihad. Listen to
it with headphones and wince as a bus full of children goes
up in flames! And marvel as the sounds of Mega-City One come
vividly to life.
who like their Dredd tongue in cheek may be a little
disappointed, as there are few laughs in this episode. But,
for me, this is part of the charm of this series - one episode
is played for laughs, and the next full-on drama.
of the best Dredd audio dramas released so far.

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