Buffy the Vampire Slayer couldn't have known that a moment
of perfect happiness would revert her soul mate, Angel, to
the vicious vampire Angelus. She couldn't have predicted that
he would stalk her cruelly or murder her friends and loved
ones. And if she had know, she might not have been able to
prevent herself from loving him, regardless. But she is prepared
to kill him, even still...
latest edition of a Buffy script book includes some
of the best shows, following the wrenching conclusion of season
two as Buffy has to thwart Angelus' plan to bring about the
destruction of mankind.
a book for Buffyphiles, these script books are not the greatest
of ideas, however a hardcore show follower will want to get
them. The book consists of five episodes, two that are quite
mediocre - Killed by death and I only have eyes
for you, but finishing off with a big bang on the classic
Xander based episode Go Fish and one of the best Buffy
season finales - Becoming Part One and Part Two.
If you'd like to read along while you watch the show, or even
try to re-create the episodes you'll like this, and as an
extra bonus with the original shooting scripts you'll get
to see some inside jokes, production notes and cut dialogue.
I'm not a huge fan of these types of books, but this volume
I'm happy to say is the best of a bad bunch.

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All prices correct at time of going to press.