Shadow of the Sphinx

Author: Carla Jablonski
Pocket Books
RRP £4.99

ISBN 0 7434 6104 5
Available now

Paige Matthews is having an identity crisis after her experiments with magic have turned her into a cat. One problem: She can't shift herself back. To make matters worse her sisters inadvertently betray her by dropping her off at the local animal shelter. From here she is rescued by the leader of a cult that worships Ancient Egyptian deities and before you know it she is transported to ancient Egypt herself with no way of returning or alerting her sisters to the fact...

The latest in the Charmed series of children books is an intriguing read. Is anyone else out there surprised that this series is only available as a children's' range? Set in Ancient Egypt this book is fairly amusing - especially when after giving Paige (who has turned into a cat) away to an animal shelter the remaining sisters realise their mistake, pop over to Ancient Egypt and bring back another cat only to realise that it is the wrong on. However, they don't realise this until they have transformed this feline into a female.

Shadow of the Sphinx is more of an educational book for children rather than it is a Charmed novel. After reading this I gave it to a twelve year old boy to read. As soon as he had finished it he was extremely keen to know more about the Ancient Egyptians. So much so, that I took him down to the local library and took out some books for him. His mother informs me that he has been sat in his room quietly for the past three days reading these books solidly - now surely that's a good thing.

Adult fans of the show will be disappointed that this is not a little more mature, but children, I'm sure, will get a lot more from it than your usual 'based on a TV series' book out there at the moment.

Amber Leigh


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