The Illustrated Season 4 Companion

Author: Paul Simpson
Titan Books
RRP £10.99
ISBN 1 84023 591 8
Available now

Want to know the inside story of
Farscape's fourth year? This book is compiled with total access to the show's cast and crew and is packed with exclusive interviews and photos, a definitive episode guide and even a Foreword by Ben Browder. This book also includes Afterwords from executive producer David Kemper and series creator Rockne S. O'Bannon, and an intriguing look at the future of Farscape...

The final season of Farscape also means the final illustrated companion from Titan. I've read most of Titan's companion output over the last few years. And I have to say that, without a doubt, the Farscape companions are easily the best.

Paul Simpson not only knows his stuff, but he also stops short of dragging the whole thing into geek territory. His writing is as mature as it is engaging - and that is so rare these days with this style of book.

Not only do we get the usual excellent comments and new bits of info on each episode, but Simpson has even managed to get Ben Browder to write an introduction. There are also chapters on the main and reoccurring characters as well as a look at the creature creation and production design. Also included is a look at what might happen to Farscape in the future - with Brian Henson believing that a straight-to-video anime adventure could be the way forward.

Sure, there's the usual complaint: Why, if this is an illustrated companion do we get no colour photography? But that aside, this is the perfect ending to a fantastic series of books. Let's hope we see Simpson's talents transferred to other Titan titles in the near future.

I must for all Farscape fans.

Steve Mikando

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