Porsche Winter has a problem. As a fully fledged guardian
angel, she is charged with the safety of her clients at all
times. But you take your eye off the monitor for just one
moment, and the Devil is in there with a demon snatching the
soul from one of your clients. Now Alex Chalmers soul is lost
to the Devil and Porsche soon realises that this is just a
part of a plan for the Dark One to assert his authority over
the Neverworld and to take control of Heaven. It doesn't help
that Porsche too is the object of the Devil's lust. Porsche's
day has started badly and is set to get even worse...
Guardian Angel was plonked on my desk with a note asking
me to review it I was uncertain whether it was going to be
an interesting read or whether I was going to have to spend
days painfully plowing through a book that didn't appeal to
me. I didn't think much to the cover, but the blurb on the
back sounded intriguing.
when I turned to the first page and discovered it was written
in the first person my heart sank. I know this is picky, and
it is purely a personal thing, but I have always found novels
written in this style very limiting. But, as soon as I started
reading this book I couldn't put it down.
Bedwell-Grime has a fantastically engaging writing style and
she has a wicked sense of humour as well. I loved her whole
notions of how Heaven and Hell were run - basically by civil
servants. Stripped down to its bare bones there is very little
story here - guardian angel looses a human's soul and then
tries to get it back - but there is much more going on. Was
Porsche negligent? Did someone frame her? And why is it that
Satan is buying up shares in Heaven Inc?
was halfway through this book that my mind came back to the
cover. Despite my earlier feelings towards it, I actually
realised that it perfectly reflected the contents - although
I can see more than a few male readers lusting after a picture
of Porsche in the attire that she wears for the last third
of the book.
end of the book also made me laugh out loud - something I
haven't done while reading a novel for some years and for
that alone Guardian Angel deserves bonus points.
can only pray that the the real afterlife is something like
that described by the twisted mind of Bedwell-Grime.
A warm, funny and intelligently written look at what might
be beyond the pearly gates. One
of the funniest, yet at the same time rather touching, books
I have read in a long time.

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