gang at Angel Investigations are well versed in the nuances
of demon fighting. So they're surprised to find themselves
euphorically giddy after a long night of... what? Their clothes
are torn and bloody and their bodies are battered, but their
memories of the previous evening are hazy at best. Research
determines that they've been doused with demon pixie dust
that helps them to heal. Angel however, is having the opposite
post-battle experience. After years of superhuman healing,
he's suddenly recovering from a fight with the resilience
- or lack of - of an average human. Shaken and reluctant to
confide in his friends, Angel is reduced to secret keeping
and collaboration with new-found demon cohorts. If the gang
goes in search of their next fix of fearless, will Angel be
strong enough to protect them?...
is one of the better Angel novels to be released this
year, funny and intriguing, it keeps you hooked without giving
too much away too early, plus it doesn't follow the recent
trend of trying to entwine three storylines into one book.
follows the gang's fears and weaknesses and allows you to
see a different side of Angel - one he hasn't seen himself
since he was Liam - his human self of centuries before.
comes in the form of the spaced out gang - a little too sure
of themselves and over confident, acting way out of character,
plus the introduction of Kluubp, a strange little green demon
that happens to resemble Yoda in many ways.
a feeling reminiscent of season two when Angel turned away
from the gang to protect them, a divide appears as Angel cannot
explain to the gang what has been happening, although they
know he is keeping something. Can he stop the problem before
it becomes out of control and people get killed and before
he loses his friends? Grab a copy to find out!

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