The new Star Wars movie is released later this month
(or if you are reading this after mid-May then it is already
on general release). And what dedicated fans of the movie
want, or will really want once they have seen the movie, is
a huge book that depicts some of the on screen visual effects
in much more detail.
you have seen the movie and wanted to know more about a creature
or planet that appeared on screen for a few seconds then The
Art of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones is the book for
you. There are page after page of production drawings and
models that were used to help George Lucas visualise his story.
illustrated from the start (just check out the front cover
detail if you don't believe me) there is only one really complaint
that can be levelled at this work of art. It is a little difficult
to find anything specific in the book.
there is no index section and the contents are broken up into
just two sections finding the pages which contain, for example,
Padme's costume designs is not an easy task.
added bonus is the illustrated screenplay towards the rear
of the book. While this is not particularly well illustrated
(there is only one, sometimes none, very small picture on
each page) its text content is pretty comprehensive.
beautiful, it's heavy and its relatively cheap for what you
get. So if you want a memento of the latest Star Wars
movie then this is a must purchase.

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Streets Online charge a flat £1 fee regardless
of the number of items ordered). Click on the
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All prices correct at time of going to press.