A rash of student suicides sweep through Sunnydale High, jolting
the community. When the newly arrived grief counsellor ends
up killing himself, Buffy and the gang begin to suspect there's
something supernatural to blame. Soon one of their own begins
to show signs of debilitating despondency, and it becomes
a race against time for the Slayer to defeat the ancient threat
known as the Suicide King...
new addition to the family of Buffy books available,
the Stake Your Destiny series returns Buffy and the
Scoobies to the glory days of high school. But this time you
get to control the action yourself!
Remember the Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone Fighting
Fantasy books anyone? Well this is of that ilk, albeit
a little bit on the thinner side. A great idea though, and
one I loved as a child and seems I still do.
The Suicide King has an interactive story line which
advances in different directions depending on your choices,
however it seems the options lead you towards death a little
more often than they should, which does get a bit on the frustrating
after pointing out the downsides (too much death and just
not enough book) I've got to say that if you were a fan of
these kinds of books in the past, and if you are a Buffy
fan, you'll love this, just because it offers something a
little different to what's already out there. Plus, interaction
is never a bad thing, 'cos you're getting involved in the
story so much more.
it out. It wont last long, but you'll probably still like

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