Within every federation and every empire, behind every hero
and every villain, there are the worlds that define them.
In the aftermath of Unity
and in the daring tradition of Spock's World, The
Final Reflection, and A Stitch in Time, the civilisations
most closely tied to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine can
now be experienced as never before... in tales both sweeping
and intimate, reflective and prophetic, eerily familiar and
utterly alien...
Two of Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine consists
of two stories based on Trill and Bajor:
They are a people with secrets. For centuries they kept their
true nature hidden, even taking disturbing steps to protect
the small population of near-immortal symbionts with whom
a privileged few Trill are joined, body, mind, and soul. They
are a people who hold memory to be sacred, yet deny their
own past. Now amid a whirlwind of scandal, accusations, and
growing civil unrest, Ezri Dax must penetrate millennia of
lies and deceptions, and rediscover what should never have
been forgotten, before her civilisation rips itself apart.
The honeymoon is over. Following the euphoria of Bajor's marriage
to the Federation, the real business of making that union
work has begun. But even on a world where politics and religion
are intertwined, conflicting visions of Bajor's role in the
interstellar arena divide the planet's leadership. As newly
minted Captain Kira Nerys sets the tone for the kind of Starfleet
officer she will be, First Minister Asarem makes a bold move
to define Bajor's voice in the Federation, while the returned
Benjamin Sisko prepares for a future that only he, as yet,
can see.
second book in this series is another interesting Trek
novel. Fans of DS9 who are still mourning the passing
of the greatest show in the Trek franchise will find
some comfort in this collection - well, I did.
me, Bajor has a slight edge over Trill. Firstly,
I can't take a planet named after a brand of budgie seed seriously
(that's a joke by the way), but mainly it's because Bajor
is a lot sexier and closer to DS9 fans hearts.
fact, thanks to J. Noah Kym it was almost like I was back
with the crew of DS9 off on an adventure with Kira.
are easily digestible stories that help to keep the magic
of DS9 alive and for that reason alone they deserve
all the attention they can get.

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