With the booming popularity of i-pod culture, geek fashion,
broadband Internet, fantasy films and console games, it's
becoming acceptable to embrace your geeky side. Nowadays you
can happily alphabetise your CD collection, play su doku,
or argue about which genre you should classify the latest
Radiohead album under on i-tunes. There's no shame in it,
in fact it's fast becoming the norm. Are you a Geek? This
book will give you the answer...
must almost be upon us (I'm writing this in September), it
seem to be earlier and earlier each year, the days fly by
and the chocolates, indistinguishable from the ones you bought
your mum at Easter, start appearing on the supermarket shelves.
The reason I mention this is that Are you a Geek? is
really one of those stocking filler books, that give so much
enjoyment after you've decimated the ten stone turkey and
quaffed enough wine to make Jesus jealous. The problem is
that once you've got over your gastronomic excesses, you wonder
why Aunt Milly bought you the book in the first place. In
the harsh light of day you're really unsure of the purpose
of the book and consign it to the nether regions under your
bed never to be seen again.
you a Geek? consists of roughly 10000101 pages (it's in
binary, I suppose to show the author's own geekiness) of questions,
split into various categories to work out just how much of
a geek you are. The main problem with the book is that it's
just not funny enough to sustain more than a cursory glance.
The book also contains a number of self deprecating pictures
of someone whom I presume is the author. I can't really say
anything about his attire, as anyone who has seen the picture
I submitted [To see what Charles means... click here.
Ed] knows my own problems in this area, what can I say I was
drunk and it seemed a good idea at the time.
what can I say, it's a stocking filler that really should
have been funnier. I think that the fact that anyone would
consider buying the book and ticking all the questions to
make a pie chart of their own geekiness has already answered
that particular question for themselves. But if you are so
inclined to do this then the book has little certificates
that you can fill out for yourself at the back. Would have
been nicer, considering that he has a website, to offer downloadable
T-shirt transfers, but maybe that would have been too geeky.

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